Chapter 1001 I'm Sorry

Although Lu Jiayi's voice was immature, she could understand everything she said.

Lu Yuchen stretched out his hand and gently pinched her face, saying, "Don't be afraid, you are my daughter, he can't beat you."

Although this sentence was said to Jiayi, there was no one in the An family who didn't understand.

Doesn't Lu Yuchen mean that if Xiaoxi dares to scratch Jiayi again, he should go back to the countryside after settling down.

Also, offending Lu Yuchen, no one has it easy.

"But he's very powerful." Jiayi still had concerns, pouted, very unwilling.

"It's okay, as I said, he can't beat you. If he beats you again, I'll help you deal with him."

What Lu Yuchen said seemed to be a joke with Jiayi, but there was no lack of seriousness in it.

An Qiaoran on the side listened for a long time and finally understood, dare you, Lu Yuchen wants Jiayi and Xiaoxi to fight!

"Lu Yuchen, are you right?"

Xiaoxi is almost seven years old, and Jiayi is only two years old. If the fight continues, what if Jiayi gets injured.

Lu Yuchen didn't respond to her, but just looked at An's family, "I want him to call Jiayi again, do you hear me clearly?"

"Lu Yuchen, you..."

"Mom, stop talking." My aunt wanted to say something, but was stopped by An Yi, looking at Lu Yuchen, "I understand, Mr. Lu."

"An Yi! I said, is there something wrong with your brain?" My aunt could not bear the anger after hearing the meaning of Lu Yuchen's words clearly, and couldn't help but yelled at An Yi.

"He meant that Xiaoxi would not fight back and let his daughter beat her. What if she caught Xiaoxi's eyes and nose? How much money do you have to treat it? You are really stupid and stupid."

"Mom, I told you to stop talking." An Yi looked at her mother who was completely out of control, and was going crazy, extremely irritable.

"Why don't you say it? Why don't you say it? I just want to say it." The aunt went on and on, looking at Lu Yuchen aggressively.

"Lu Yuchen, let me tell you, we Xiaoxi will not fight your daughter, so let's let this matter go. Xiaoxi, let's go."

After the aunt finished speaking angrily, she took Xiaoxi's hand and prepared to leave.

"An Xiaoxi, stop!" An Yi yelled, Xiao Xi's footsteps stopped, obviously frightened by An Yi's yell.

An Yi stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Xi, brought him to Lu Yuchen, and put his hand on his shoulder, "Kneel down! Apologize to my sister!"

"I don't want it!" Xiaoxi shook her head stubbornly, and knelt down in resistance.

"I'll tell you to kneel down and go back with your grandma after apologizing, be obedient!" An Yi almost yelled and coaxed, with a very deep voice.

"An Yi!" My aunt couldn't bear to see An Yi's actions, so she stepped forward to confront An Yi, but unexpectedly, Xiao Xi knelt down on the ground, in front of Lu Yuchen who was holding Jiayi.

"I'm sorry." Xiaoxi said with a sullen face, very dissatisfied, and then stood up, only anger and dissatisfaction remained on his face.

"Mr. Lu, the child is ignorant, so don't bother with him. I will discipline him well when I get back. I am really sorry for Jiayi's hand injury."

An Yi bent down and looked at Lu Yuchen, apologizing sincerely.

Lu Yuchen still looked at this scene indifferently, did not speak, just took Jiayi's injured hand, put it to his lips, and blew casually.

Lu Yuchen's appearance really made An Yi anxious, he didn't know if Lu Yuchen had calmed down or not.

(End of this chapter)

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