Chapter 1003 Another Anonymous Courier

Hearing this, An Qiaoran stopped applying the medicine, looked up at Lu Yuchen's sullen eyes, and asked angrily, "What do you mean?"

Lu Yuchen looked at the anger on her face, his eyes froze, his throat froze, he turned his head, his face became a little uncomfortable, "It's not interesting."

Even if Lu Yuchen didn't say anything, An Qiaoran understood that he was blaming her for forgiving the An family so easily.

She sighed and said, "It's not that I don't care about Jiayi, I also want to seek justice for Jiayi, but I can't hurt Xiaoxi because of this. Although he is annoying, he is still just a child. Besides There are so many people present, if they see you Boss Lu fighting with a child, they will laugh at you."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was stunned for a moment, turned his eyes, and stared deeply at her, "Are you thinking about me?"

"Then what else?" An Qiaoran gave him a white look, "You think I'm interceding for An's family, don't you?"

"..." That's what he thought.

"It's nothing. My aunt's blind protection makes me tired. I have no reason to intercede with them."

An Qiaoran threw away the cotton swab, and met his deep gaze, "I am thinking of you, and I am also thinking of the child. After all, it is the child's birthday party. You are a public figure, so it is not good for people to spread jokes."

An Qiaoran gave a lot of high-sounding reasons, but Lu Yuchen really believed it, believed what she said, and considered him, and his face finally returned to normal, not so ugly.

"With the medicine on your hands, you can no longer eat with your hands. If you want to eat, just tell the maids and ask them to bring it for you."

After giving Jiayi the medicine, An Qiaoran couldn't help but give instructions.

Jiayi nodded obediently.

This little episode is over, because of what happened, the uncle and aunt dragged Xiaoxi away after the meal, and only An Yi and his wife were left in the An family.

When An Qiaoran Lanyan and his group joined the dinner, they happened to be at the same table as Xia Ling.

During the period, Xia Ling also said sorry to An Qiaoran, but An Qiaoran just said something polite, and didn't have any further communication with her, each eating his own.

After the meal, the male staff in the villa pushed a big cake with a height of more than ten floors. Everyone stood up and congratulated one by one.

In the end, everyone sang a birthday song, making a finale for the birthday party.

After the cake was used up, Nade Aheng sent the guests away, and the group returned to the living room.

Lu Jiayi's mouth was also smeared with colorful cream, which looked cute. An Qiaoran wanted to wipe it off with paper, but she refused.

An Qiaoran had no choice but to let her go.

A group of people sat on the sofa and chatted about the daily life, but An Qiaoli suddenly walked over with a package in her arms.

"Sister, your package."

An Qiaoran, who was joking with Lan Yan, glanced at the courier An Qiaoli handed over, froze for a moment, and reached out to take it. Seeing that the information on it was anonymous, she was extremely puzzled.

"I didn't buy anything! Who could it be the courier?"

As An Qiaoran said, he picked up the fruit knife on the table and prepared to open it.

Suddenly, a big palm grabbed her, and then her fruit knife fell into Lu Yuchen's hand.

"Didn't I say that you are not allowed to touch sharp things?" Lu Yuchen held a fruit knife and gave her a dissatisfied look.

An Qiaoran was helpless and didn't want to say more on this issue, but just said.

"I don't know who sent the courier, can you take it apart and have a look?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen took the courier over, glanced at the sender's information on it, and found that there was no name, only one location.

Nanya Road, Passionate Cafe...

(End of this chapter)

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