Chapter 101 Romance in the Rainy Night
An Qiaoran's body was stiff, and he stood there for a while without reacting.

Lu Yuchen, the president of IE Group, actually wants to carry her?This shocked her so much, is this still the resolute Lu Yuchen?
"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up!"

Lu Yuchen squatted for too long, seeing that she hadn't moved, he couldn't help urging her.

"Lu Yuchen, are you sure you want to carry me?"

Until hearing his voice, An Qiaoran still hadn't recovered from the shock just now.

"You think I'd rather carry you? You're too slow, wasting time! Hurry up!"


He obviously wanted to carry her back, so why did he say these things against his will?An Qiaoran really couldn't understand this man.

"hurry up!"

In the end, under his urging, An Qiaoran lay on his back, wrapped his arms around his neck, and held an umbrella with the other.

Lu Yuchen supported her body with both hands, stood up, and walked forward.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it was so stormy that an umbrella could no longer cover two people at all.

An Qiaoran was on Lu Yuchen's back, and it was a bit better, but Lu Yuchen... was completely soaked.

An Qiaoran looked at the water dripping from his hair, feeling very uncomfortable.

So she put the umbrella in front of him as much as possible to keep out the wind and rain.

But... because the umbrella is really small, after giving it to him, her back was wet by the rain.

Realizing what she was doing, Lu Yuchen was stunned, stopped, looked at her slightly sideways, and stared at her with dissatisfaction, "An Qiaoran, what are you doing?"

"I... I didn't do anything!" An Qiaoran was at a loss.

"I don't need an umbrella! Hold on to me! If I find you a little wet when I go back, I won't let you go!"

His voice was full of warnings, and An Qiaoran was at a loss when he heard it.

"Lu Yuchen, it's raining too much, you'll catch a cold if you go on like this! Why don't we get in the car!" She really couldn't stand it anymore.

Why didn't she realize that he was so stubborn before?

Hearing the concern in her words, Lu Yuchen was very excited, but he still said unforgivingly, "You should take good care of yourself!"

After speaking, he rushed up the mountain at a very fast speed.

An Qiaoran felt helpless about Lu Yuchen's stubborn character.

Seeing him so desperate, she felt very uncomfortable!

At this time, she was very happy.Although the villa is in the middle of the mountain, but fortunately the road is asphalt road, so it is easy to walk.

In the following time, Lu Yuchen's speed was very fast. When they arrived at the villa, the rain that had been pouring heavily had stopped.

"Lu Yuchen, put me down!" An Qiaoran put away the umbrella when he came to the eaves, and said.

Just as Lu Yuchen put An Qiaoran down, An Qiaoran glanced at Lu Yuchen who was drenched all over.She threw the umbrella aside, threw herself into Lu Yuchen's arms, and wrapped her arms around his waist tightly.

"Lu Yuchen, why don't you get in the car, why don't you get in the car?" She hit his head hard on his chest, but he didn't respond at all, anyway, it was her head that hurt him to death.

Seeing her reaction, Lu Yuchen was a little stunned. Half a second later, he pulled back An Qiaoran who was about to leave after venting his emotions, and kissed her lips without saying a word.


The cold thin lips covered her warm lips, making her freeze for a moment, and she didn't respond for a while.

He kissed her very eagerly, lifted her chin with one hand, and pressed the back of her head with the other to prevent her from struggling.

An Qiaoran lowered his hands on his chest, and with his kiss, the thought of struggling became smaller and smaller.

Slowly, her hand slipped down, grabbed his wet suit, and slowly closed her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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