Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1012 Things You Can't Let An Qiaoran Know

Chapter 1012 Things You Can't Let An Qiaoran Know

"It'll be fine." An Qiaoran looked at him seriously, a little dazed.

"No matter what, I don't allow you to have a next time." Lu Yuchen looked at her seriously, but seriously.


After An Qiaoran nodded, she couldn't help being puzzled, Lu Yuchen used to wish to see her become insane because of him, why she is not allowed to worry about him now, it is really strange.

Although he was puzzled, An Qiaoran was urged by Lu Yuchen to take a hot bath in the bathroom before he could ask.

An Qiaoran also felt wet and uncomfortable, so she went to the bathroom.

"Daddy, are you tired?" Xiao Jiayi, who had been standing quietly by the bed, looked at Lu Yuchen and asked.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen looked at Jiayi, saw her innocent face, and said, "No, don't cry all the time in the future, your mother will love you."

He looked at her bright red eyes and couldn't help but say.

"Well, I'll listen to my father, and I won't cry anymore." Xiao Jiayi nodded obediently.

Lu Yuchen looked at her and said nothing.

At this time, Nade opened the door and walked in, seeing Lu Yuchen who had woken up, besides joy, there was more sadness.

"Why is this expression on?"

Lu Yuchen got out of bed, sat down in front of the sofa, and poured himself a glass of water to drink.Looking at his melancholy look, he was a little dissatisfied.

Nade came to him with a worried expression on his face, "Master, you really can't go on like this."

"What's wrong with me?" Lu Yuchen leaned leisurely on the sofa, drinking water gracefully, with a calm expression.

"Master..." Nade felt helpless because of Lu Yuchen's calm expression.

"If your illness continues like this, it's really possible that you won't wake up again."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's eyes suddenly turned cold, and with a "bang", he put the water glass heavily on the table, and looked at Na De with cold eyes.

"I'm warning you, Nade, it's best not to say this sentence again. If An Qiaoran finds out, I won't spare you."

He stared at him, his eyes were extremely cold, filled with anger, and his tone was extremely deep and low.

"But Master..."


Nade wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lu Yuchen's cold voice.

"Don't talk about it anymore, I don't want to hear it."

Seeing Lu Yuchen resisting so much, Nade really had no choice but to say, "Master, I know you care about Young Madam, but..."

"I told you to shut up!" Lu Yuchen warned her coldly.

"But no matter what, your illness is more important..." Nade didn't listen to Lu Yuchen and continued.

Listening to his sentence after sentence, Lu Yuchen's face became extremely gloomy, grabbed the cup on the table and slammed it on him hard, hitting his chest.

Nade still stood without any reaction. The cup fell to the ground and made a cracking sound.

"Did I tell you not to say you didn't hear?" Lu Yuchen stared at him, his voice was cold and deep.

Lu Yuchen was really angry, so Nade lowered his head and didn't speak anymore, letting Lu Yuchen reprimand him.

"Nade, let me tell you, if you tell An Qiaoran about this, get out of the villa and never appear in front of my eyes again!"


Nade lowered his head and didn't respond.

The atmosphere in the room was extremely cold because of Lu Yuchen's anger, the bedroom was extremely quiet, only the sound of Lu Yuchen's extremely heavy breathing was left.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the bathroom, as if something had fallen to the ground, and the noise was loud.

(End of this chapter)

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