Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1021 He has something to hide from her

Chapter 1021 He has something to hide from her

"Lu Yuchen, we are husband and wife. If you have anything to tell me, I will be angry if you keep it from me."

An Qiaoran looked at him with a serious face, staring deeply into his eyes, but she couldn't detect anything except the depth in his eyes.

"I have nothing to hide from you." Lu Yuchen said helplessly to her, "If you think I have a woman outside, you can ask that kid Ah Heng."

There was no problem with his verbal answer, but he was indeed deliberately avoiding what she really wanted to ask.

"You clearly know that's not what I asked." An Qiaoran said, "Lu Yuchen, what are you and Nade hiding from me, can you tell me?"

"I told you that I have nothing to hide from you." Lu Yuchen said, "An Qiaoran, you are pregnant so it's easy to think too much, go and pack your clothes! I have to work."

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he stared at the computer, his eyes full of seriousness, expressing that he didn't intend to pay any attention to her anymore.

Seeing her like this, An Qiaoran didn't want to ask any more questions, her eyes dimmed, she closed the door, and left.

Lu Yuchen has never kept anything from her, but now he doesn't tell her anything, she is really worried about what kind of big event it will be.

Seeing An Qiaoran leave, Lu Yuchen, who was sitting on the seat, pushed the mouse hard, leaned back on the chair irritably, and rubbed his temple with one hand.

He has something to hide from her, it's a big thing, he knows he can't lie to her, but he can't say it.

Since she was going to country A for a month, he thought it was a good thing. Although she was not by his side during this month, it was because of this that she couldn't find anything.

He had never lied to her before, but this time, compared with her sadness, he could only choose to hide it.

He promises that this is the only time and the last time.

[We are husband and wife, you can tell me anything, if you keep it from me, I will be angry. 】

It was his helplessness to deceive An Qiaoran, he closed his eyes, his mind was filled with what An Qiaoran said, whenever he wanted to go, it was a reminder to him that he lied to her.

"Knock knock."

There was a knock on the door.

Lu Yuchen knew who it was, and still leaned on him, eyes closed, "Come in."

Nade came over with a tray, "Master, this is the pastry made by the young lady, ask me to bring you a copy."

Nade put a plate of pastries on Lu Yuchen's table and said respectfully.

pastry?What did An Qiaoran do?

Lu Yuchen opened his eyes and saw the mung bean cake on the plate. He froze for a second, reached out and picked up a piece, and looked at it in his hand.

This is his favorite food...

No, as long as it is made by her, he likes it, but every time she makes pastries, only mung bean cakes can be called a success, because she does not have the talent to make pastries.

Although his daughter likes to eat it, every time he tastes it, he will say it's unpalatable. This is true. Every time she finishes speaking, she angrily snatches it back from him.

Although it was unpalatable, he ate all of it in the end. She always said that he was delicious but still said that he was lying to her.

Thinking about it, he didn't even deceive her about the cakes she made. Now, he has deceived her, not only deceived, but also concealed from her.

If one day she found out that he had cheated her so much, would she be so angry that she wouldn't talk to him for three days and three nights?ignore him?
He still knows her temper very well. If she knows about it, she won't forgive him so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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