Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1036 Want to see if he really changed

Chapter 1036 Want to see if he really changed

back up plan?

After listening to Bert's backup plan, Nade breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, as long as the young master can remember the young lady and heal his heart disease, that's the best.


A month later.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for An Qiaoran to return to the North City. An Qiaoran was in a good mood. During the month of coming here, she always felt that the food here was not to her liking, but today, she ate it with great relish.

"In Ran Ran's mind, only Yuchen and Jiayi are the most important, and we are all second."

Knowing that An Qiaoran was leaving today, Qiao Ze couldn't help but said with emotion.

An Qiaoran, who was drinking soup, couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Why? In my heart, you are all very important, but after we have Jiayi, we rarely separate for so long I'm just a little bit homesick."

After getting along for a month, An Qiaoran and Qiao Ze became much closer, and they talked about everything.

"Hey! I'm bored at first, and I'm having fun when you come, Sister Ran Ran. I didn't expect you to leave so soon."

Lan Yan also became sensational.

An Qiaoran gave him a reproachful look, "Okay, if you keep doing this, I won't be able to eat anymore."

All of them are like parting from life and death, does she still have appetite?
"Okay, okay, let's not talk, let's take you to the airport after a good meal." Mrs. Qiao said.

"Thank you mom and dad."

During a month of getting along, she found that Mrs. Qiao had indeed changed a lot. She treated herself the same as her own daughter, and she called her that as time went by.

"Family, what are you talking about?" Mrs. Qiao was unhappy.

"Yes, yes, I will take it back without saying thank you."

Several people talked and laughed, but some people couldn't understand it.

Qiao Yu wiped the bowl with chopsticks, and said meaningfully, "Do you really think we will have a happy reunion when we go back? That's not necessarily the case, there are all kinds of wonders in the world."

An Qiaoran listened to this annoying voice and didn't intend to pay attention to it. Anyway, she has been saying nonsense these days, and she didn't take it seriously.

After dinner, the family sent An Qiaoran to the airport, and they went back after An Qiaoran successfully boarded the plane.

"Just watch! An Qiaoran is going to cry sooner or later." Qiao Yu folded her hands on her chest, with a disdainful expression, she turned and left after speaking.

Seeing her like this, Qiao Ze and his wife and Lan Yan shook their heads. She just judged An Qiaoran bad all day long, and they were already tired of hearing it.


An Qiaoran dragged her suitcase, walked out of the airport, took out her mobile phone and subconsciously called Lu Yuchen, but she thought that she should give him a surprise, so she gave up.

But when talking about the phone, An Qiaoran suddenly remembered that the number and time of Lu Yuchen's calls with her in this month were so rare that they could be counted on the fingers of the fingers.

I don't know what's going on, but every time she calls, he is always busy and doesn't pay much attention to her. In the end, she hangs up the phone.

As for him, he never seemed to take the initiative to call her, and the tone of his speech was extremely flat, without the pampering taste of the past.

Thinking back, Lu Yuchen really changed a lot during the month she was away, and sometimes she couldn't help wondering if he was having an affair.

However, she also asked Ah Heng, and Ah Heng only said that he recruited some female secretaries, but there was no scandal. She found it strange that she asked him, and he just sent her away because of a need. .

Thinking about it, An Qiaoran really wanted to go back now and see if he had really changed, or if he ignored her because of his busy work.

She was standing by the side of the road, just about to reach out to stop the car, when a clear male voice suddenly came from behind her.


(End of this chapter)

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