Chapter 104 Lu Yuchen's old illness

Just as An Qiaoran was thinking, a loud noise came from the next door.

An Qiaoran was startled by the sudden noise.

The third floor is the forbidden area of ​​the villa, except for Lu Yuchen and De Butler who can come up, she is the only one.

But now, Steward De is downstairs and Lu Yuchen is gone, so it is very likely that he is the one who made the noise.

The room next door happened to be his study.

Just as An Qiaoran was thinking, he put the soup on the table, then walked out to the study next door.

The door of the study was closed, but the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong could still be faintly heard inside.

There was the sound of broken porcelain, the sound of some large object falling to the ground, and a heavy muffled sound belonging to a man.

An Qiaoran's heart tightened, and she quickly pushed the door open, "Lu Yuchen!"

As soon as she entered, she saw the man lying on the ground, beside him, there was an overturned table and some glass shards.

An Qiaoran didn't think much, and quickly ran to Lu Yuchen's side and helped him up, "Lu Yuchen, what's wrong with you?"

As if hearing her call, the man opened his eyes in a daze, and stretched out his hand towards her, wanting to touch her face, but just when he was about to touch her face, his hand fell powerlessly.

"Little braid..."

The moment he closed his eyes, An Qiaoran heard his call clearly.


Who is the pigtail?
Before An Qiaoran had time to think about it, she saw her faint. She quickly shook his head and called out to him nervously, "Lu Yuchen, what's wrong with you? Wake up!"

She shouted for a long time, but the man in her arms still didn't wake up.She panicked completely, and hurried downstairs to call Nade up.

It happened that Ah Heng was also there, and the three of them carried Lu Yuchen to the bed together.

"Housekeeper De, quickly see what happened to Lu Yuchen? He was fine two hours ago, why now..."

Looking at Lu Yuchen who fainted, An Qiaoran felt flustered like never before.

Why did he suddenly faint?
Steward De was checking Lu Yuchen's pulse, while An Qiaoran was waiting anxiously.

After what seemed like a century, Nade straightened up and said to her, "Master, this is an old illness. It's nothing serious. Just take a rest and you'll be fine."

Nade's words caused An Qiaoran to be at a loss, "What old disease does he suffer from? Why haven't I heard from him?"

Hearing this, Nade realized that he was talking too much and said something that shouldn't be said, so he quickly shut up, glanced at Lu Yuchen who was on the bed, and said, "The young master will fall asleep like this for no reason once a month, and he won't sleep until the next day." The medicine will heal, young lady don't need to worry."

After finishing speaking, he winked at A Heng and walked out. A Heng understood and followed him out.

An Qiaoran realized that Nade was hiding it from her on purpose, and she didn't want to know at first, but now it was about Lu Yuchen's safety, so she subconsciously wanted to ask.

She took a deep look at Lu Yuchen on the bed, then turned around, left the room, closed the door gently, and went downstairs.

As soon as she came to the second floor, she saw two people sitting on the sofa in the hall, as if talking about something, she subconsciously wanted to know what they were talking about.

So I stood there and listened.


"De Steward, after all these years, there is still no cure?"

Nade shook his head helplessly, "No, young master, this is a mental illness, and because of the environment, I can't find a cure."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran upstairs was stunned.

Mental illness?Lu Yu, is this a mental illness?That's why he suddenly fell asleep?
But... who was the little pigtail he was talking about before he fainted?
An Qiaoran was thinking about it when he heard them talking about the little braid.

(End of this chapter)

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