Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1044 Lu Yuchen's most precious painting, also forgotten?

Chapter 1044 Lu Yuchen's most precious painting, also forgotten?

An Qiaoran searched every large and small place in the room, but he couldn't find that photo frame.

An Qiaoran looked at the drawers in the cloakroom, but there was nothing.

Strange, where did the photos go?

An Qiaoran repeatedly confirmed that the photo was not in the bedroom before picking up the phone to make a call.

The phone rang for a long time before it was answered, and Lu Yuchen's deep voice came from the phone.


"Lu Yuchen, have you seen the photo on the bedside table?" An Qiaoran asked him nervously.

Lu Yuchen over there seemed to be busy typing on the keyboard. After a while, a suspicious voice came, "Huh? What did you say?"

Busy typing on the keyboard and looking at the computer, I didn't pay attention to what she said.

Even so, An Qiaoran asked again patiently, "Isn't there a photo of the two of us on the bedside table? I found it was gone, and I wanted to ask if you put it away."

"Group photo? Photo?" Lu Yuchen's voice was full of doubts.

"Yeah! Did you see it? I searched every corner of the bedroom but couldn't find it." An Qiaoran clenched his phone tightly and said.

"What photo? I don't know." Lu Yuchen didn't know what photo it was.

"It's the photo of me and you under the tree in Zhongshan!" An Qiaoran explained, why did he feel as if he didn't remember that photo at all?

"I don't know what kind of photo it is. You can ask Nade." After speaking, Lu Yuchen hung up the phone, and An Qiaoran was stunned while holding the phone.

He said he didn't know what photo?Can he forget such a deeply remembered photo?And it was clearly placed on the bedside table, why is it gone?Could it be that someone took it?
But besides Lu Yuchen and Nade, who else can enter this bedroom?

An Qiaoran held the phone in a daze for a while, then went downstairs to find Nade.

"De Steward, have you seen the picture on my bedside table?"

When Nade, who was pruning branches in the backyard, heard this, his hands trembled, and more than half of the branches were cut off and fell to the ground.

An Qiaoran looked at his back inexplicably, "Master De? Did you hear me?"

What's going on today?Everyone is weird.

Nade's body froze for a second, and then slowly turned around, looking at An Qiaoran, trembling, "Young Madam...what...what photo?"

"It's the photo of me and Lu Yuchen." An Qiaoran said.

"Is it the one under the tree?" Nade asked.

"That's the one, De Steward, did you see it?" An Qiaoran hurriedly asked nervously.

That photo meant a lot to her, and it would be a pity if it was lost.

"It's like this. Wasn't the villa undergoing rectification a few days ago? I was afraid that the staff would lose it, so I put it in the inventory." Nade lowered his head and said, "Then I was busy and forgot about it, sir If Ma'am wants it, I'll get it for you right now."

"Then I'll trouble you, Housekeeper De." An Qiaoran was glad that he didn't lose it.

"Nothing." Nade squeezed a cold sweat silently, then put down the scissors and took An Qiaoran to get the photo.

What An Qiaoran never expected was that there was not only the group photo in the inventory, but also the photo of the pigtail.

"Isn't this Lu Yuchen's most precious thing? It was put here too? He forgot to take it too?" An Qiaoran looked at the painting and asked suspiciously.

This painting has been kept in Lu Yuchen's study. He works in the study all day, so can he forget it?Don't you feel that something is missing?
"It's because it is the young master's most precious, so I put it here, but the young master has been busy all the time, so I probably forgot it."

Nade looked at the painting and said, "Young Madam, please help the Young Master put it back for him!"


An Qiaoran firmly believed in what Nade said, so naturally he didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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