Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1052 Don't Think About Her Again

Chapter 1052 Don't Think About Her Going Back Again
His words were cold, but ruthless.

Seeing him like this, An Qiaoran withdrew her hand and nodded disappointedly, "Okay, since you don't want to tell, then I'll ask her myself."

After speaking, An Qiaoran turned around resolutely, ready to leave.

"Stop!" Lu Yuchen's angry voice sounded behind her.

An Qiaoran didn't care, opened the door and walked out, closing the door hard.

Seeing that she ignored her, Lu Yuchen stood up angrily, walked out of the office, followed An Qiaoran's footsteps with big strides, and grabbed her hand.

"You let me go!"

An Qiaoran shook off his hand and stared at him fiercely.

"This is not a place for you to mess around." Because of his anger, Lu Yuchen's voice was a little loud, and the secretary who was working couldn't help but look this way, it was extremely quiet.

"You know very well that I'm not fooling around." An Qiaoran said, "I want her to speak clearly."

"I made my words very clear." Lu Yuchen looked at her extremely irritatedly, with sullen tone in his tone, "As Mrs. Lu, how can you make such a fuss in the company!"

"Then what's the proper way for you to cuddle with a woman in the office?"

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen angrily, and decided that he was having an affair with that woman, otherwise, he would not have such an attitude towards her, and he was afraid that she would go to find that woman.

As soon as these words came out, the secretaries all opened their eyes wide in shock.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lu Yuchen was furious at what An Qiaoran said.

"What I said is the truth, Lu Yuchen, if you don't explain the matter clearly to me, don't think about me going back!"

After she finished speaking extremely angrily, she walked to the elevator in a few steps and entered the elevator. She didn't even look at him until the elevator door closed.

Lu Yuchen stood where he was, looking at An Qiaoran who was making trouble so unreasonably, there was nowhere to release the anger in his heart.

Ah Heng just took out the materials from the reference room, and saw Lu Yuchen standing there.

"Mr. Lu, here are the documents you want." Ah Heng walked over and handed over the documents.

Lu Yuchen didn't even look at him, and went straight into the office, and slammed the door shut with such a loud voice that everyone present shivered, and everyone gathered together to discuss.

"Mr. Lu and his wife actually quarreled? Or was it because Mr. Lu's office was flirting with a woman?"

"Yes! I think Mr. Lu and his wife had a very good relationship before, and they have never had such a serious quarrel."

"That's right! I think this Mrs. Lu must have run away from home. I don't know if President Lu will chase her back."

Ah Heng listened to these people's discussions, and then he understood what happened.

Boss Lu flirting with women in the office was seen by his wife?How could it be possible Mr. Lu?But my wife has always believed in Mr. Lu, so why would they quarrel?Things are getting weirder and weirder.

Most of the staff who had witnessed the love between Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran hoped that Lu Yuchen would leave work to chase An Qiaoran back, but they didn't wait until dark.

However, Lu Yuchen locked himself in the office and didn't see anyone. He didn't listen to anyone who knocked on the door. He didn't even see Ah Heng. He didn't know what he was doing in there.

An Qiaoran left IE, and then went to Zhongshan alone, came to the tree, sat against the tree, looked into the distance, his eyes were out of focus, his mind was full of those extremely cold words that Lu Yuchen said to her in the office .

It wasn't that she didn't trust Lu Yuchen and that woman, she just couldn't find a reason why Lu Yuchen was so indifferent to her, but she didn't want to endure his indifferent attitude all the time, so she made excuses to force him.

(End of this chapter)

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