Chapter 106 His hand hurt
An Qiaoran turned her head subconsciously. When she saw Lu Yuchen who pushed the door and entered, she panicked completely, and quickly put the picture frame in her hand behind her.

He looked at Lu Yuchen who was walking towards him with a look of panic.

Didn't Steward De say that he won't wake up until the next day?Why is he here now?
Lu Yuchen saw the panic on her face, and also noticed her hand hidden behind her, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What are you hiding?" He came to him, looked down at her, and said coldly.

An Qiaoran shook her head quickly, "No."

"No?" Lu Yuchen narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at her, "Stretch out your hand!"

An Qiaoran shook her head, holding the photo frame firmly with both hands, her hands were bloody from the remaining shattered glass, but she still didn't respond at all, as if she couldn't feel the pain.

Seeing that she was unwilling, Lu Yuchen had no choice but to stretch out his hand and forcibly pull her hand out. An Qiaoran couldn't struggle, so he had to let go of her hand resignedly.

When Lu Yuchen saw what she was holding, his eyes froze and his body froze.

Suddenly, the room became quiet, and the atmosphere was extremely weird.

An Qiaoran stopped looking at him, squatted down, lowered her head, and cried silently.

Lu Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then picked up the photo frame, looked at the little girl on it, with unknown emotions flickering in his eyes.

When he saw the traces of blood on the painting, his eyes immediately fell on the figure under his feet.Without his instruction, no one would dare to touch his painting, so the blood must have been left by her.

Is she hurt?

The next second, he put down the picture frame, bent down and pulled An Qiaoran up. An Qiaoran didn't want him to see her crying, so she refused desperately.

But she still struggled, and was finally pulled up by him.

Seeing his deep black eyes, An Qiaoran quickly glanced away, not looking at him anymore, and hoped that she would not see tears streaming down her face.

It's a pity that Lu Yuchen had already seen her the moment he met her gaze, turned her head around, and locked his eyes tightly on her face.

Seeing the tear stains on her face, his pupils tightened, he held her cheeks, wiped her tears with his thumb, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Why are you crying?" Why is she crying for no reason?

Seeing a painting can't be like this, can it?

An Qiaoran turned his head away uncomfortably, "Who is crying?"

"Look into my eyes and say you're not crying!" Lu Yuchen held her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him.

Her eyes were bloodshot, her face was stained with tears, and she even said that she wasn't crying.

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen who was staring at her, and felt very uncomfortable.

The next second, she took his hand off, with stubbornness in her eyes, "I said I didn't cry, so you don't need to worry about me!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and ran out of the room in a panic. From a distance, she could still be seen wiping tears while running.

Lu Yuchen looked at her leaving direction for a moment, and then looked at his hands, which were already stained red by her blood...

The blood... pierced his heart.

He glanced at the picture frame on the table, and then chased it out.

When he came downstairs, he asked Nade if he had seen An Qiaoran.

When Nade and Aheng saw him coming down, they were a little stunned, "Master, why... are you awake now? Are you still feeling unwell?"

"No," Lu Yuchen said impatiently, "I asked if you saw An Qiaoran!"

"Young Madam... We didn't see it! Didn't she guard you in the bedroom and didn't come down?"

Guard him in the bedroom?
This made Lu Yuchen's eyes a little sad, and suddenly remembered seeing her when he was about to faint.He didn't know why he woke up so quickly today, could it be because of her?
"You and I went upstairs to find her! Her hand was hurt." Since Nade didn't see her coming down here, she must still be upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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