Chapter 1070 Identity of Entertainer

"But Young Madam, this is also..."

"Don't worry about housekeeper De, I brought a spare pair of flat heels with the maid. If I feel unwell, I will put them on."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, Nade noticed that the maid behind her was holding a paper bag, which should be the flat shoes An Qiaoran was talking about.

Even thinking of this is enough to see how firm her will is.

"It seems that nothing I say can stop you." Nade sighed deeply.


Nade was really worried about him, An Qiaoran knew it, seeing him like this, he didn't know what to say.

"Okay! Now that you have already made up your mind, I won't say more, it's just that the young lady..."

Nade looked at An Qiaoran and was about to say something, when he saw the makeup artist and hair stylist not far away, he said.

"Thank you for your hard work. I will ask the maid to take you out."

The two of them looked at where they could be delivered, and said proactively, "No need for the housekeeper, we have a car, you chat slowly, and we'll leave first."

Nade nodded to them as a courtesy, and waited until the two left the villa before looking at An Qiaoran.

"Young Madam, how confident are you in your decision this time?"

"I don't know." An Qiaoran shook her head, "If Lu Yuchen is doomed to value IE and despise everything else, then what else can I say!"

So what she did was meaningless?

"Young madam, listen to my advice. If you really can't make the young master change his mind, then don't make fun of the child in your belly. No matter what, at least the young master knows that there is a young madam like you at home."

"I understand." An Qiaoran nodded, but there was only sadness in his eyes.

What she wants is Lu Yuchen, someone she loves, not Lu Yuchen who only treats her as Mrs. Lu.

If he still can't recognize it after this time, then what's the point of continuing this marriage?

With the current situation between her and Lu Yuchen, is there still a relationship with affection?It is completely gone, only the benefits remain.

Nade didn't know what An Qiaoran was thinking, but he just sighed, "Young master may have his own difficulties, young lady, don't think too much about everything, no matter what happens, there will be a solution."

"I understand what you said."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking darkly, the faint smile on his face resumed, "Then I'll go first, or I'll be in trouble if I'm late."

"Young Madam, no matter what the ending is, you have to tell me." Nade asked her again.

An Qiaoran just returned a faint smile without answering, and left the living room straight away, followed by the maid who was carrying a paper bag and changed into casual clothes.

Nade watched An Qiaoran get into the black car, which was another car he had prepared for her, and she could not use the car in the villa to avoid being discovered by Lu Yuchen.

IE's [-]th anniversary celebration was held at the largest hotel in Beicheng. This incident caused a sensation in the whole Beicheng, and the bosses of the upper-class groups in Beicheng came to congratulate.

Many, many people came, the entire hotel was booked, the parking lot was not enough for cars, and the surrounding area of ​​the hotel was full of cars, line by line, full of aura.

The road leading to the hotel lobby is covered with flowers and red carpets.

The celebration was held in the lobby on the second floor, but the first floor was already crowded with people.

An Qiaoran wore high heels and appeared on the red carpet outside the hotel as an entertainer for this celebration. His bright eyes looked at the lobby on the first floor, which was crowded with people.

Most of them are entertainers with beautiful branches, and there are also male entertainers. An occasion like today is quite lively.

"Ma'am, your cell phone."

(End of this chapter)

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