Chapter 1072 Not Simple Woman
"Singing?" The man asked nonchalantly, "Are you also an IE artist?"

"No, I'm a singer specially invited by them, and I'm not famous." An Qiaoran said, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Since it was specially invited, it is naturally well-known. Can you tell me your name?"

"Lina." An Qiaoran replied politely.

"Lina?" The man put another question mark, and turned to look at the person behind him, "I don't pay much attention to singers, do you have any impression?"

The man shook his head, "I've never heard of it."

"I haven't officially debuted yet! Of course you don't know that this celebration performance is my first time on stage." An Qiaoran said.

She thought this man looked familiar just now, but she didn't remember it for a while, but judging from the tone of his speech just now, he should be an actor.

So, she also remembered that this man is Qin Feng, the actor whom IE is now holding in high esteem.

Although she doesn't follow dramas, she often tunes channels for Jiayi, and almost every channel is his drama, including costume dramas and modern dramas, which are very popular.

It's no wonder that he dominates such a large area by himself, and no one else dares to approach him, and only she, the clown, doesn't understand.

"Oh, so it is like this." Qin Feng made it clear.

Remembering that she is a big star, she still doesn't know where there are paparazzi hiding here. If she is photographed and there are some scandals, she will be in trouble, so she slipped away quickly.

"I'm here for the first time, and I'm not familiar with this place. Do you know where the bathroom is?" An Qiaoran stood up, looked at the man, and asked gently.

There are so many people here that the street signs can't be seen, so it's not surprising that she asked.

"It's in the corridor next to the stairs on the second floor, you'll see it when you go in." Qin Feng replied in an extremely gentlemanly manner.

"Thank you." An Qiaoran said with a smile, then turned around and walked towards the corridor next to the stairs.

"Brother Feng, why do you bother with such an unknown woman? If you are caught on camera, you will be in trouble again." As soon as An Qiaoran left, the dissatisfied voice of the man behind Qin Feng rang out.

"Such a beautiful and gentle woman, I really hope to be photographed." Qin Feng looked at the direction An Qiaoran was leaving, hooked the corner of his mouth, and drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Brother Feng, are you serious?" The man looked at him in shock.

"This woman is purely trying to use you to take over the position, so there is nothing to worry about."

"Do you think she is really a simple singer?" Qin Feng asked.

"That's not it?" The man disagreed.

"I don't think so." Qin Feng said, "Have you ever seen the bathroom and told her, but she didn't even know the approximate location before leaving?"

"This one……"

"She has been here before and is very familiar with it. This woman is not simple, but... I am very interested."

The man poured himself another glass of wine, with a smile on his lips, fascinated thousands of girls.

As Qin Feng said, An Qiaoran has been here before, the last wedding between Zhao Qiaoqiao and Jiang Hao was held here, so she is naturally very familiar with this place.

She said that, but it was a reason to leave.

Originally, Lu Yuchen was very 'attentive' to her scandals with the opposite sex, and if there was another scandal with a male artist under his banner, it would be troublesome.

This time it was her oversight, but fortunately, no one would recognize her.

An Qiaoran went to the bathroom to wash her hands, but was hit by someone in the corridor when she came back. Fortunately, the maid Qiaoer supported her, so she didn't fall down.

(End of this chapter)

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