Chapter 1074 Fall in love with her?

An Qiaoran watched the grape being delivered to Lu Yuchen's mouth, and saw Lu Yuchen raised his eyes to look at Fang Fang, his cold eyes seemed to be warning.

Although Fang Fang was frightened, she still insisted on holding the grapes, but Lu Yuchen did not move for a long time.

Seeing Fang Fang's actions, the people around couldn't help sweating for her. Some women in the audience finally couldn't stand it any longer.

"Miss Fang, isn't it good for you to do this!" A woman sitting on the seat said casually while looking at her manicure.

Because she was wearing a microphone, An Qiaoran could hear her voice.

"Everyone knows Mr. Lu has a wife and daughter who are extremely loving. If you are so blatantly courteous at such an important ceremony, if you let Mrs. Lu know, you will be in trouble?"

The woman's voice was light and floating, reaching the ears of everyone at the scene, and many senior executives of IE agreed.

"Yes, Miss Fang, Lu always has a family. It's indeed inappropriate for you to do this."

Everyone said one sentence to another, Fang Fang was very ugly when he was said, and his face was extremely ugly. He put the grapes in his mouth and explained slowly.

"What do you know? I'm just asking Mr. Lu about the origin of the grapes. You're all overthinking."

After the words were over, everyone also stepped down the steps for Fang Fang. They didn't say anything more, they just smiled.

Really making excuses for myself!

An Qiaoran complained in his heart, when a cold voice suddenly sounded behind him, "What are you looking at?"

An Qiaoran turned around and saw that it was the man she had seen in the lobby on the first floor, Qin Feng.

"It's nothing, I just watched it casually, but they performed really well, they must have rehearsed many times!"

An Qiaoran looked at the performance on the stage again, pretending that he was performing in the stands just now.

Hearing this, Qin Feng also stood beside her, lifted the curtain, glanced at the dance being performed above, and said casually.

"The championship reward for this performance is a Rolls Royce, can you not work hard?"

Rolls Royce?Even the prizes are so rich, it is enough to see how much Lu Yuchen values ​​this celebration, if something happens, he will probably be furious.

"what happened?"

Not hearing what An Qiaoran said, Qin Feng looked at her suspiciously.

"The reward is so generous, I didn't know it!" An Qiaoran said hopefully.

"They invited you here, but they didn't tell you what the reward is?" Qin Feng looked at her, intending to ask.


An Qiaoran shook her head, "For a woman like me who has not made her debut, it's useless to know what ability she has to win the championship. It's just envy."

When the words came out of An Qiaoran's mouth, there was a sense of melancholy.

Seeing the faint wry smile on her face, Qin Feng couldn't help being a little absent-minded. He stared blankly at her for two seconds before smiling.

"I didn't expect you to have sad times." Qin Feng said.

"I'm also a human being, how could I not be sad?" An Qiaoran said lightly.

"From the time I first met you, you have always had a charming smile on your face. I'm not used to seeing you like this now."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, the dance on the stage came to an end, and there was a burst of applause.

"It's time for me to play. Don't be too sad. I hope that after I step down, you will have a smile on your face when you face me."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he stepped onto the stage.

An Qiaoran was stunned for a second after hearing his words.

She is very beautiful dressed up like this, but she is also very attractive!Could this big star be...following her!

To be cheated so easily?This Qin Feng was too unbearable to be tempted.

(End of this chapter)

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