Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1081 Everything He Did Is For Her Good

Chapter 1081 Everything He Does Is For Her Good

An Qiaoran saw the wry smile on the corner of his mouth, and his heart shook violently.

He works in the company every day, she thought he was deliberately ignoring her and avoiding her, but unexpectedly, he was really working.

He was so busy that he couldn't rest and eat every day, and even took a day off to go home, but she had already fallen asleep with him because of his neglect.

It turns out... She has been wrongly blaming him all along. He is really busy.

"Even so, I still found time to go back to see her every week, but she didn't have much communication with me, and she didn't say anything to me. Finally, one day, she and I talked a lot."

Lu Yuchen's voice sounded in the lounge, and An Qiaoran listened quietly.

What he was going to say next was that she was making trouble with her in the office, and what she said to him when she was sick.

"She said that I snubbed her, hated her, ignored her, and ignored her life, just like I treated her as transparent."


That's what she meant at the time.

"She said that I would not accompany her, and even thought that I was raising a woman in the company, and she ran away from home angrily."

Lu Yuchen drank another glass of wine, An Qiaoran no longer dared to look at him, and slowly lowered his head.

"I thought she was just capricious and would be back in a few days, but she was on the news with her ex-boyfriend."

Speaking of which, An Qiaoran already knew that he was half drunk, otherwise, he would not have said this to a strange woman.

However, it was because he was drunk that An Qiaoran could ask clearly, what was in his mind, did he really not believe her at all about the news about her and Mo Yixuan?
However, what Lu Yuchen said next made her want to die.

"Do you know? I believe her, I believe she and Mo Yixuan are innocent, I believe every word she says."

An Qiaoran's body was tense, and she asked, " quarreled with her because of this?"

"Yes! I just quarreled with her about this matter." Lu Yuchen said with certainty.


An Qiaoran asked.

"Why?" Lu Yuchen asked back with a wry smile, "Because she doesn't believe me, she doesn't even believe me, why should I believe her for no reason, it's not fair!"

Lu Yuchen's mood became a little restless, and his voice became louder.

It turned out that he thought so.

She didn't understand, why was his mind so heavy?Why can't she understand him?She couldn't figure out his thoughts at all.Why did he become like this?

"This anniversary celebration, if she doesn't come, I know she is angry with me. I want her to be a competent Mrs. Lu. She doesn't want to, and she doesn't want to."

Lu Yuchen took the wine bottle and started pouring wine again. He no longer had the energy he had before, and his whole body looked drunk.

"But, you know she doesn't like it, why do you force her?"

An Qiaoran really wanted to go up and grab his wine, but she couldn't, she still had a lot of things to ask him.

Lu Yuchen seldom gets drunk, An Qiaoran knows that only when he is drunk can he ask why, and when he wakes up, everything will return to the original point.

"I'm doing this for her own good." Lu Yuchen picked up the wine, "You don't know, after this news about her and her ex-boyfriend, there are different opinions on her on the Internet, I don't want her to be accused at the banquet this time." Give pointers, so she must know the general and the etiquette."


Is he afraid that she will be said again at the banquet, and she will avoid a lot of trouble if she behaves well?He was thinking of her.

(End of this chapter)

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