Chapter 1083 Mutual Trust
Seeing that An Qiaoran was in such a good mood, Ah Heng couldn't help being happy, "Yes! Ma'am, your singing has moved the whole scene, and I think you will definitely be the first one. You really should stay at the scene."

"That's why I won't leave!" An Qiaoran said, "But don't open the back door for me, just use the normal judgment standard, don't intrude on this matter."

"I understand." Ah Heng said.

"I'll go and wait first. Lu Yuchen wakes up and calls me." An Qiaoran finished speaking, and then left.

A Heng looked at the back of An Qiaoran leaving, turned around, and saw Fang Fang, who was alluring in the corridor on the other side, walking over, looking over here, An Qiaoran had just walked out of the corner.

"What are you talking to her about?" Fang Fang looked at Ah Heng and asked.

Ah Heng remembered An Qiaoran's entrustment, and ignored her, and said impatiently, "This should have nothing to do with Miss Fang, right?"

"That's not necessarily true!" Fang Fang crossed her arms, "Maybe you'll have to curry favor with me when I see you in a while."

"You really know how to joke." Ah Heng sneered from the bottom of his heart.

Fang Fang didn't care too much about him, but just looked at her haughtily, "Ah Heng, did your Mr. Lu and his wife quarrel? Are they getting divorced?"

"It's just hearsay!"

Ah Heng disdains to talk to such a woman, and keeps his tone as brief as possible.

"Really?" Fang Fang didn't believe it, "Why didn't Boss Lu bring her with IE's anniversary celebration? The other high-level executives all brought their wives with them!"

"Miss is sick, so I don't let the maid take care of her, what's wrong with my wife taking care of her at home?" A Heng gave her a sideways look, and the reasons he made up were natural.

"This is all your excuse, and you are not at home, how do you know?" Fang Fang was very confident in her guess.

"Besides, the Internet has been full of rumors about An Qiaoran and Mo Yixuan these two days. Do you think Mr. Lu and An Qiaoran will get along well?"

Fang Fang was proud and arrogant, as if she was determined to win.

"Are you so sure... Could it be that you exposed the photo to the media?" Ah Heng looked at her and asked angrily.

Hearing this, Fang Fang's face changed slightly, and she opened her mouth to defend, "What nonsense? I just saw it on my mobile phone. Who made her news so popular? It's hard not to know, I'm not that kind of person, don't talk nonsense It would be bad if Mr. Lu misunderstood."

"I just said it casually, why are you guilty?" Ah Heng smiled, "But I still think that the people who planned all this behind this may be disappointed."

"Disappointed?" Fang Fang had a bad feeling.

"Our Mr. Lu and his wife have a very good relationship and trust each other. We won't fall out because of a photo or news. The people behind the plan will naturally be disappointed. Ms. Fang, don't you think so?"

After Fang Fang heard Ah Heng's words, she was really disappointed.

After she left that day, she expected that An Qiaoran would leave angrily, so she followed her all the time, and sure enough, she found a man carrying her into the hotel, and she quickly took a picture of it and handed it to the media.

I thought that Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran would have a big fight when the news was so big, but unexpectedly, the two of them still trust each other.

Fang Fang regretted for a while, and then noticed that Ah Heng kept staring at her, which made her feel a little guilty.

"Look at what I do? I didn't do this thing. It looks like a criminal. It's inexplicable."

"I just think your tiara looks good today, you're overthinking it." Ah Heng said his compliments blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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