Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1091 Father and Daughter Alienated

Chapter 1091 Father and Daughter Alienated
The psychiatrist said that he would no longer care much about it, and would only be a very ordinary way of getting along.

But now, it's completely different!

According to what An Qiaoran said, although Lu Yuchen was indifferent to An Qiaoran some time ago, that didn't mean he didn't love him, it just didn't show it.

This is completely outside the scope of what the psychiatrist said, and Nade really doesn't know what's going on.

An Qiaoran was eating mung bean cake, after a while, Lu Yuchen sat down beside her with a bowl of noodles.

An Qiaoran looked at the noodles on the table and was stunned, very surprised.

This mixed sauce noodle is different from what he used to make.The sauce used to be all soy sauce, but now it's tomato sauce, and it still looks delicious.

An Qiaoran sniffed, "It smells so good! Lu Yuchen, your skills have improved!"

"Hurry up and eat!"

As Lu Yuchen said, he picked up another piece of mung bean cake and took a bite.

An Qiaoran picked up the chopsticks and took a bite, "It's so delicious, you can make it for me every day from now on, okay?"

An Qiaoran looked at him expectantly. There was a huge gap between the previous face and the present face!This is so delicious.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen stopped chewing mung bean cake, looked at her for two seconds, and said, "I'll make it for you when I have time."

Although I was not able to eat it every day, I was a little disappointed, but An Qiaoran still nodded happily, "Yeah."

"Mom, what are you eating?" A childish voice rang out, and then, a small figure ran to An Qiaoran's feet, leaning his head to look at the bowl on the coffee table.

"This is noodles, mom, I want to eat." Xiao Jiayi looked at the contents of the bowl clearly, and then looked at An Qiaoran acting like a baby.

An Qiaoran felt helpless seeing her daughter's greedy appearance. She was not hungry, but she was hungry because she watched her eat.

Although helpless, An Qiaoran still fed her with chopsticks.

"This is a bit spicy, eat less and drink some water." An Qiaoran gave her water.

Jiayi refused, shook her head, and ran away.

An Qiaoran didn't know why she ran away, because the noodles were too spicy, or because of something else.

An Qiaoran finished eating the noodles, wiped his mouth with a paper towel, and threw it into the trash can. He glanced at Jiayi who was having fun on the lawn outside, and then looked at Lu Yuchen beside him.

"You've been at the company all this time, and you don't have much time to go home. Jiayi hasn't seen you very much. She used to be very clingy to you, but now she doesn't talk to you very much."

I didn't even call my father when I ran over just now, and the father and daughter were alienated.

"There is no other way." Lu Yuchen said.

"It won't work if you continue like this." An Qiaoran said, "When are you free? The three of us will go out for a walk to cultivate a relationship between you and Jiayi."

The relationship between father and daughter had better not be indifferent. An Qiaoran didn't want the relationship between Lu Yuchen and Jiayi to become like that.

"Where are you going?" Lu Yuchen asked.

"Children's Paradise." An Qiaoran said without thinking, "Jiayi's active personality should be liked."

Lu Yuchen was silent for two seconds, then nodded, "This weekend."

With that said, Lu Yuchen stood up, "I'll go to the study to deal with some official business first."


An Qiaoran nodded.

Lu Yuchen went upstairs, while An Qiaoran sat on the sofa and watched the news on her mobile phone. She originally wanted to see how many digits the news comments on her and Mo Yixuan had.

However, she found that it was gone. She swiped it many times but it didn't come out. She also searched for keywords, but there was nothing.

It seems that it was handled by Lu Yuchen.

(End of this chapter)

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