Chapter 1098.told her the truth

Don't complain to Lu Yuchen?
An Qiaoran was confused after hearing what Nade said.

"Butler De, what's going on here, can you just explain it to me? I'm really confused and confused when you're like this."

What he said deceived Lu Yuchen, and what Lu Yuchen didn't know about, An Qiaoran couldn't figure out what was going on, and his mind was very confused.

"Young madam, I've said so much, why don't you understand?"

Nade was very helpless and tangled.

"If you don't make it clear, how can I understand?" An Qiaoran said, reaching out to grab Nade's hand, and looking at him pleadingly, "Housekeeper De, tell me everything, okay?" ?”


Seeing that An Qiaoran wanted to know the truth so much, Nade hesitated for a while, and then nodded.

"Okay! Since you already know half of it, I'll tell you everything, but young lady, after listening to it, you have to pretend that you don't know, just like now, don't want to get more, I mean ,do you understand?"

Don't want more?Does it mean Lu Yuchen's company and more love?

Although he didn't quite understand, An Qiaoran still nodded.

Nade didn't know if he could trust her completely, but he still decided to tell all this.

"After the young master had a coma, I found that the young master's condition endangered the disorder of the brain nerves. This situation will lead to his insanity. Once he falls asleep, he may never wake up again. A huge dependence that cannot be awakened in any way."

"What?" Hearing this, An Qiaoran was extremely shocked, "Why?"

"I think the young master once told you that every time he falls asleep, the precursor to falling asleep is because he misses you too much and misses the scene when he met you when he was young, so he falls asleep."

Nade said, "Because I can't see you, the young master will rely more on those things that have become past and illusory, so I would rather sleep."

"But why did this cause him to fall into a coma forever?" An Qiaoran was confused.

All of this is too complicated.

"The young master's heart disease has lasted for 17 years. Every time before falling asleep, his brain nerves will be damaged. For such a long time, it will lead to neurosis. This is the most normal."


Lu Yuchen said that the reason why he fainted was because she wasn't around, in other words, he didn't feel safe with her, so he would unconsciously think of the time when he was a child, and then fell asleep.

In this way, after meeting him, instead of letting go of the past, he missed the past even more. Therefore, his heart disease will get worse, mostly because of her.

"Lu Yuchen didn't tell me that he might never wake up. He said... as long as I call him, he can wake him up. From this point of view, he is just telling a lie to comfort me."

The last time Lu Yuchen fell asleep in the shopping mall during a thunderstorm, An Qiaoran called him, and it took him a long time to wake up. At that time, she didn't think it was strange, she thought he did it on purpose, but thinking about it now, he really didn't hear it.

"Master, I'm afraid you will be sad." Nade said, "Master has a special status. The only people who know about this matter are me and Ah Heng. I know that Master is a demon. As long as he overcomes the demon, he will not He fell asleep again, so I began to persuade the young master to receive psychological treatment, but..."

"But what?" An Qiaoran asked.

"But the young master is not willing, no matter how I try to persuade him, he is not willing."

(End of this chapter)

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