Chapter 1102 She Can Do Anything

He served it himself...

An Qiaoran was startled when he heard this, and looked at Lu Yuchen, his face was still expressionless, calm and breezy.

Since returning from the celebration, Lu Yuchen's attitude towards her has changed a lot, with a cold face and a warm heart.

She should be happy for this, but now, she can't be happy at all.

Now that Lu Yuchen treats her like this, she is worried whether he will be in danger.

It can't be like this, it really can't be like this anymore, she can't take risks, she must cut off any trace of his concern for her.

"Not hungry yet?"

Lu Yuchen picked up a document and looked at it. Seeing An Qiaoran looking at him again, he didn't intend to move his chopsticks, and his eyes twitched slightly.

"Are you done with work?"

An Qiaoran looked away from him, seeing that he was sitting and not going to leave, he couldn't help asking.

"There's no work that can't be done." Lu Yuchen flipped through the magazine casually, and said indifferently.

"So you're still sitting here?"

An Qiaoran picked up the chopsticks and asked knowingly.

Hearing her words, Lu Yuchen flicked through the magazine for a moment, then looked up at her with deep and complicated eyes.

An Qiaoran ate his food with his head down, pretending not to notice his gaze.

Lu Yuchen looked at her with complicated eyes for a while, and then An Qiaoran heard a soft "pop", and Lu Yuchen put the magazine on the coffee table.

Afterwards, Lu Yuchen stood up from the sofa out of the corner of his eye, "Eat slowly, I'll go to the study."

After the words fell, the person had already walked out, and not long after, there was the sound of closing the door.

The bedroom door was closed, and An Qiaoran finally stopped eating, and suddenly lost his appetite at all.

Looking at the magazine by the bowl, An Qiaoran put down his chopsticks, reached for it, and flipped through a few pages without interest.

Heart is bleeding.

Lu Yuchen was busy until very late, remembering An Qiaoran's indifferent attitude towards him, he suddenly lost his mind on work, put down the file, and rubbed the space between his eyebrows.

After a while, he glanced at the watch on his wrist, it was past twelve o'clock.

Looking at the data on the computer, he hesitated for a while, and finally turned off the computer, got up and walked out of the study, to the bedroom next door.

Because it was already late, he seemed to be afraid of waking An Qiaoran, so he opened the door carefully, and there was no sound when he closed it.

The light in the bedroom didn't come on, and it was pitch black, but Lu Yuchen could see the road clearly, and followed the route he remembered, to the side of the big bed.

Looking at the empty big bed, Lu Yuchen's body froze, and he just stood in front of the bed, without any movement for a long time.

At this time, outside the bedroom door, An Qiaoran in a bathrobe stood there, looking at the closed bedroom door with a complicated expression.

She saw Lu Yuchen go in with her own eyes just now, and was also stunned when she saw his cautious movements.

Naturally, she could understand that he was afraid of waking her up.

However, he would be very disappointed to find that she was not on the bed.

Disappointed?She just wants him to be disappointed, and then despairs of her, even loathes her, she doesn't care.

For him, she can personally destroy the relationship with him, as long as he can live, she can do anything.

It is impossible to be with him in this life. In the next life, she must meet him. If she meets him, she must not leave him. She must accompany him for the rest of her life. go down.

This sinner, let her do it.

She stood outside the door and stared at the door for a long time before walking into the children's room.

As soon as the door of the children's room was closed, the door of the bedroom was opened. Lu Yuchen walked out from inside, closed the door, and looked at the closed door of the children's room.

(End of this chapter)

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