Chapter 1111 Pain, better than nothing

An Qiaoran naturally wouldn't send it to Lu Yuchen, but grandma insisted that she and Lu Yuchen had a fight, so she was worried about her and Lu Yuchen.

In the end, An Qiaoran had no choice but to rely on her grandmother, but the food was not sent to IE, but to Zhao Qiaoqiao's company for Zhao Qiaoqiao to eat.

An Qiaoran didn't want her grandma to worry about her, so she left the villa with her lunch box, got in the car, and went down the mountain.

Not long after the car An Qiaoran was in left, grandma quickly got into another car and followed An Qiaoran.

As usual, An Qiaoran's car stopped at the gate of Zhao Qiaoqiao's company, and An Qiaoran entered the company with a lunch box.

Grandma sat in the back seat of the car and looked at An Qiaoran who had entered the company through the car window, with an indescribable expression on her face.

She is lying to her, the meals she delivers every day are delivered here instead of IE, why?Is it true that as the maids in the villa said, she and Lu Yuchen are going to have a conflict?
As soon as this idea came up, grandma's face suddenly became worried.


An Qiaoran carried the lunch box to the CEO's office on the top floor. Once inside, Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at the lunch box in her hand and quickly reached out to take it.

"You are so kind to me! You bring me food every day." Zhao Qiaoqiao put down her work and took out the food in the lunch box.

"Qiao Qiao, don't say any more. I feel sorry for my grandma. I have failed her expectations of me."

She didn't go back until five o'clock in the afternoon to deliver meals every day. Grandma always thought that the meals she delivered every day were for Lu Yuchen, and she got along with him from noon to five o'clock.

However, she came here to deceive grandma, and she felt uncomfortable.

"Don't think so, don't you want her to worry about you?" Zhao Qiaoqiao said.

" really don't plan to continue with Lu Yuchen anymore?"

Zhao Qiaoqiao still needs to know about An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen. When she heard the news, she was also sad for An Qiaoran.

"Do you think I can continue with him now?"

If she gets Lu Yuchen's care again, she will definitely lose him forever.In contrast, she still felt that this was pretty good, at least she knew that nothing happened to him.

"Ran Ran, don't think too much, maybe there is something unexpected about this matter?" Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at her and said.

"There won't be any unexpected surprises." An Qiaoran shook his head, "If you care about it, you will die. If you don't care about it, you can still live. I have no other choice."

"But didn't you say that he has started to care about you? Wouldn't it hurt his heart if you pushed him away now? "


An Qiaoran was silent.

"You also said that he went to the hospital to accompany you before, but you ungratefully asked him to go back to work and let him leave you alone. Ran Ran, doesn't he feel pain when you hurt his heart like this?"

"It hurts, it's better than nothing." An Qiaoran's lips trembled and his voice was heavy.

Zhao Qiaoqiao didn't know what to say when she heard the words.

"I don't understand. You were so good and happy before, but now you are going to become like this."

As Zhao Qiaoqiao said, she was also very blocked.

"His pain means that he cares. If he cares, he cares. No matter how indifferent you are to him, you can't change it. Your indifference will only make his heart hurt more. It's impossible to make him give up on you."

"You don't know Lu Yuchen well, so I will say that."

An Qiaoran looked at him, "Lu Yuchen's personality is not the same as before, he is interested in me, but it was after I sang to him to express my love, that he tried to show his affection for me. "

(End of this chapter)

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