Chapter 1115 Unconscious Heartache
"It's nothing."

Grandma shook her head, but her eyes were dim.

An Qiaoran deliberately kept it from her. Even if she asked, she might not be able to tell, and she would still be paranoid.

Let's wait until Lu Yuchen comes back to talk about everything!I just don't know if he will come or not.

An Qiaoran's stir-fries are all home-cooked dishes, which are made in a very simple way, so they were cooked quickly, and the maids brought them to the table one by one.

An Qiaoran took off her apron, washed her hands, and then sat down at the dining table with her grandmother.

"Ran Ran's craftsmanship is good, it must be delicious." Grandma took the chopsticks from the maid's hand and tasted them impatiently.

"Compared to your cooking skills, grandma, I'm far behind." An Qiaoran smiled modestly, picked up the chopsticks and prepared to eat.

"Young master, you are back, the young lady cooks the food herself, go and eat some!"

Suddenly, Na Dedu's voice came from outside the restaurant, and it was getting closer.

Lu Yuchen is back...

When An Qiaoran heard the news, his whole body was taken aback, and he didn't know what kind of emotion he was feeling, ranging from excitement to depression.

Lifting his head to look towards the door, he saw Lu Yuchen walking in wearing a black shirt, just like that day in the hospital, his face was cold, and there was no emotion in his deep eyes.

An Qiaoran just looked at Lu Yuchen like this, without saying a word or moving, and almost dropped the chopsticks he was holding.

"Yuchen is back!" Grandma stood up happily, and beckoned Lu Yuchen to sit down next to An Qiaoran.

"This is a meal made by Ran Ran himself, please eat it quickly."

Sitting beside An Qiaoran, Lu Yuchen glanced at the dishes on the table, and glanced at An Qiaoran inadvertently, but saw that she had no expression.

He hasn't come back for so many days, and he didn't expect that after he came back, she would still have such an expression.

A kind of dissatisfaction arose in his heart, and the next second, he stood up directly, "you eat, I'm not hungry."

After speaking, he was ready to leave.



As soon as An Qiaoran opened her mouth, Jiayi who was beside her grandmother quickly got off the chair, ran to Lu Yuchen, and held his hand.

"Dad, don't go, eat with me, okay?" Jiayi's childish voice sounded in the quiet restaurant.

Lu Yuchen looked down at his daughter, and glanced at An Qiaoran from the corner of his eye. She just lowered her head and didn't intend to speak.

Disappointment flashed in Lu Yuchen's eyes, and he looked at Jiayi who was relying on him. The next second, he bent down and picked her up, and returned to his seat to sit down.

"What do you want to eat? I'll pick it up for you." Lu Yuchen picked up the chopsticks, lowered his eyes and asked Jiayi who was sitting on his lap.

"I want porridge."

Jiayi pointed to the porridge in front of An Qiaoran and said.

"Okay! I'll serve it for you." Lu Yuchen took a bowl and filled it for Jiayi.

"Be careful of the heat."

An Qiaoran, who was sitting by the side, looked at Lu Yuchen who treated herself as a transparent person, and suddenly felt sad.

She obviously caused all of this, and she knew that it would be very painful, why did she still feel uncontrollable heartache?

She lowered her head and ate with chopsticks one by one, her mind was not on eating at all.

"Ran Ran, Yuchen is back, why don't you seem very happy?" At this moment, grandma's voice suddenly sounded.

An Qiaoran looked up at grandma, "No! I'm very happy!"

"But since Yuchen entered this room, you haven't said a word to him. You are too strange." Grandma continued.


An Qiaoran was silent for two seconds, pretending to have amnesia, "No? I remember talking to him?"

(End of this chapter)

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