Chapter 1118 The Last Chance

Seeing An Qiaoran's appearance, Lu Yuchen was stunned for a second, his body stiffened for a while, and suddenly the corner of his mouth curled up, and a sarcastic sneer came into An Qiaoran's ears.


An Qiaoran's body was stiff, with his head down all the time, not understanding what he was laughing at.

"Obviously everything is what you want, who are you crying here for now?"

Standing there, Lu Yuchen's icy voice poured over An Qiaoran's body like cold water, from head to sole.

An Qiaoran looked at his slippers and wanted to say something, but found that his throat was blocked and he couldn't say a word.

Lu Yuchen looked down at her with cold eyes.

"I can give you a chance, as long as you say a word, I can come back to accompany you."

Hearing Lu Yuchen's words, An Qiaoran never had the courage to look up at him.

Although his tone was harsh, she understood what he meant.

He wanted to come back, he didn't want to go on like this, he was giving himself a step down, if she nodded, then they wouldn't have to fight like this anymore.

At this time, she really wanted to, really wanted to nod, but... She couldn't, really couldn't, he couldn't love her any more.

He knew that this was his last chance to regret, as long as she nodded, he could return to her side like before.But if she shakes her head, then he will never mention it again, and there will be no chance for him and her.

She didn't want to break his heart, but she didn't want to be without him even more. She was very conflicted, contradictory, and painful.

When An Qiaoran fell into the pain of choice, Lu Yuchen's cold voice sounded again.

"As long as you say a word, we can be like before. I go home every day, and I will accompany you to the hospital for a pregnancy test. I can also take you and Jiayi to the amusement park. I will accompany you wherever you want to go." .”

Lu Yuchen slowly squatted down, squatted in front of her, looked into her eyes, and said word by word, "An Qiaoran, this is your last chance."

An Qiaoran's body was completely stiff and there was no warm place from head to toe, and his hands and feet were cold.

Her vision was blurred by tears, and she didn't even dare to blink, for fear that the tears would fall, but the tears still fell down, and she quickly reached out to wipe them away.

Looking at her increasingly red eyes, Lu Yuchen felt as if he was being roasted by fire.

He didn't speak, and the bedroom became extremely quiet. It took some time before An Qiaoran's small voice sounded.

"Don't you ask, why did I suddenly become like this?"

Since she knew about his heart disease, there was no reason for her inadvertent indifference towards him, and he was just angry, but he didn't want to ask why.

"The reason is not important to me at all." Lu Yuchen said indifferently, "I just want your answer."


An Qiaoran was silent again.

"If your answer is no, then in the future, this villa will be your private property, and everything here will belong to you. It's just that I won't be able to step back here for the rest of my life."

Lu Yuchen's deep and indifferent voice reached An Qiaoran's ears, and his eyelashes trembled violently.

He spoke so clearly, why did he have to force her?He didn't know how useful her heart was, her heart was suppressed so hard that she was almost out of breath.

"Don't force me."

An Qiaoran lowered her head, her voice was extremely heavy and hoarse.

"You know very well that I'm not forcing you!" Lu Yuchen growled, and suddenly reached out to lift her chin, her voice was extremely low, and her eyes became sharp.

"Do you want me to come back to embarrass you like this? You don't want me to come back at all, you don't want to see me at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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