Chapter 112 The Secret Bamboo Garden
After Nade and the others left, Chen Lanxue asked Mo Yixuan, "Is An Qiaoran with you?"

"You think I'll put it here for them to find?" Mo Yixuan looked at her with contempt.

"Then where did you put her? What if she ran away?" Chen Lanxue couldn't help feeling a little worried.

After finally waiting for her to throw herself into the trap, it would be a pity if she ran away.

"I gave her anesthesia, she won't be able to run away." As he spoke, Mo Yixuan felt a little guilty, but he couldn't help laughing at himself.

He just wanted to keep her by his side, but he didn't expect that it would be in such a despicable way.

He used to think that she was forced to marry Lu Yuchen, but she told her a few hours ago that she loved Lu Yuchen.

Therefore, he can no longer put her back by that man's side, and no woman who is tempted by Lu Yuchen will have a good ending.

He wanted her to forget Lu Yuchen and make her fall in love with him again.

He can't live without her!

"Then where did you put her? Is it safe? Will someone find her?" Chen Lanxue asked hastily, with an imperceptible hatred flashing in her eyes.

Mo Yixuan, who was drinking tea with his head down, didn't see it, "I put her in a quiet place, where no one can find her except me."

"A place with a quiet environment? Is it far away? Where is it?"

"You seem to want to know where I hid her?" Hearing her repeatedly asking where An Qiaoran was, Mo Yixuan became a little vigilant.

This woman is very hostile to Ran Ran, I don't know what the hell she is planning?

"Of course I want to know, what if your hiding place is not safe, and Lu Yuchen finds you, ruining our plan?"

"I said no!" Mo Yixuan emphasized again.

"That's not necessarily true! Lu Yuchen's power is spread all over the country, and there is no place he doesn't know about."

"So what about the huge power? Ran Ran and I have a secret bamboo garden that he would never have imagined!"

"Secret Bamboo Garden? What is that place?" Chen Lanxue was puzzled, and she was about to know, and he was so secretive.

"The bamboo forest on the mountain behind your house." After Mo Yixuan finished speaking casually, he got up and left.

But Chen Lanxue smiled triumphantly after learning An Qiaoran's address.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yixuan actually put An Qiaoran there.

Indeed, no one would go up to the bamboo forest on the back mountain. It was rumored a long time ago that there were pythons there.

But now that Mo Yixuan put An Qiaoran there, one can imagine that the rumor back then was deliberately fabricated by the two of them for a secret meeting, right?


Lu Yuchen was in a coma all day, and when he woke up, it was already dark.

The first thing he did was to ask about An Qiaoran's whereabouts, and after hearing Nade's answer, his face became livid with anger.

"I think you are a bunch of trash, and you can't find anyone. What use is it for me to support you? Get out of here!"

The bodyguards retreated out of fear one by one, and Ah Heng also went to the company to deal with business because Lu Yuchen didn't go to the company.

Only Nader stayed there to explain.

"Master! I have already sent someone to watch Mo Yixuan, as long as the young lady is really hidden by her, he will definitely go to see her! In that case, we will be able to know the whereabouts of the young lady."

After hearing what he said, Lu Yuchen's expression didn't look much better, "Mo Yixuan is a cunning fox, do you think he can't guess that you are staring at him?"

"What do you think, young master?"

"What do you think? You let people continue to monitor him, and it doesn't matter if he finds out, so that he will relax his vigilance, and then you go find someone else."

After hearing what he said, Nade had a sad face, "Master, is this okay? That Mo Yixuan is not easy to deceive."

(End of this chapter)

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