Chapter 1124 face together

Thinking of this, An Qiaoran couldn't be happier.

Only, Nader was right.

After Lu Yuchen was hypnotized, he was too tired to live, and it was hard for him to return to his original appearance, so he was freed.

She doesn't want to see him suffering, shouldn't she be so selfish, for her own sake, regardless of whether he is happy or not?
She once said that if one day he couldn't wake up, she would sleep with him.

Now that the matter has come to this point, it seems that there is nothing to be afraid of. She is reluctant to be separated. In this case, let's face it together. No matter what the future holds, at least they are happy now.

"Lu Yuchen, if you still fall into a coma in the end, then I will definitely accompany you."

She covered him with the quilt, then lay down beside him, stretched out her hand to hold his, and interlocked her fingers.

Since fate arranged it like this, she had no choice but to follow the arrangement and stay with him.

This night was the night that An Qiaoran had slept relatively peacefully for more than a month.

Nade's medicine was very effective. When An Qiaoran woke up in the morning, Lu Yuchen was still awake, so she went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After washing up, he went downstairs to prepare meals. Before he went, he ordered the maid to watch in the bedroom, and Lu Yuchen would notify her as soon as he woke up.

What happened with Lu Yuchen for more than a month made her feel down to the bottom, and she was not interested in anything. Now that the old Lu Yuchen was coming back, she naturally wanted to cook him a hearty breakfast.

She didn't know that Lu Yuchen was coming back last night, so she made some casually. For breakfast today, she made something very complicated.

Grandma was the first to perceive the big change between An Qiaoran last night and today, and was busy with An Qiaoran in the kitchen.

"Ran Ran, did you clarify the misunderstanding between you and Yu Chen?" Grandma asked her with concern.

An Qiao Ransheng was cracking eggs, and upon hearing this, he replied very easily, "There is no misunderstanding between me and him, I have made it clear."

"Really? That's great."

Grandma said happily, "You don't even know how much I worry about you two. It's good to make it clear now. For more than a month, I have been observing you every day, and I am afraid that one of you will quarrel."

Listening to her grandmother's words, An Qiaoran also realized that she had made her worry about her, "Grandma, I'm so sorry for making you worry about me."

"Do what you say, as long as you can live a good life, I will be satisfied." Grandma said happily.

An Qiaoran couldn't help but reached out and hugged grandma, "This kind of thing is gone, Lu Yuchen and I will be fine, and we won't worry you anymore."

"As long as you're happy." Grandma patted her on the back.

An Qiaoran hugged her grandmother, and suddenly felt relaxed. All the unhappiness of these days disappeared.


The maid's voice came suddenly, An Qiaoran turned around, and saw the maid he arranged in the bedroom running over.

"Ma'am, sir is awake!" The maid ran to her and said happily.

"Really?" An Qiaoran asked in shock.

"Yes ma'am, sir is looking for you!"

After reconfirming that Lu Yuchen was awake, An Qiaoran happily took off the apron, then left the kitchen, walked towards the stairs, and hurried upstairs.

All the way to the bedroom on the third floor, An Qiaoran was already so tired that he was a little out of breath, and his breathing was a little short.

She was standing by the door, and just about to open it, the door suddenly opened in front of her, and then Lu Yuchen appeared in front of her.

 Originally, I wanted grandma to help the two of them cultivate their relationship, but somehow it was written like this. .No way, I really miss the old Lu Yuchen????????
(End of this chapter)

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