Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1131 Lu Yuchen's Rotten Peach Blossom

Chapter 1131 Lu Yuchen's Rotten Peach Blossom

Behind the desk, Lu Yuchen was sitting on a chair, An Qiaoran was beside him, with his head leaning against his shoulder, with a smile on his face.

This... is a reconciliation, but he always feels that there is something wrong with this wife!It seems very naive, always clinging to Mr. Lu, and Mr. Lu has no intention of being impatient.

"Go out if you have nothing to do." Lu Yuchen's eyes quickly scanned the documents, but he was talking to Ah Heng.

Ah Heng came to his senses and took a step forward, "Mr. Lu, I'm here to remind you that there will be a summary meeting in half an hour."


Lu Yuchen went through the pile of documents on the table one by one.

"Send all these files back to the various departments."

Ah Heng took a step forward and picked up the document Lu Yuchen was pointing at.

"and also!"

Lu Yuchen took out a list from the printer and put it on the document that Ah Heng was holding, "Order, I will fire all the people on this list."

"Yes, Mr. Lu."

Ah Heng walked out with a lot of documents in his arms. Only after Ah Heng left, the desk became empty.

"I'm going to a meeting later, you want to go too?" Lu Yuchen looked down at the woman leaning on his shoulder.

"Can't you?" An Qiaoran looked at him aggrievedly.

"Of course." He can't wait.

"That's good. But... no one will say anything?" An Qiaoran was a little worried.

"With me here, no one will dare to say anything about you." Lu Yuchen turned on the computer, checked the stock market, and suddenly a video popped up. Lu Yuchen clicked on it and watched it.

The content inside is the video of An Qiaoran shouting Lu Yuchen's name in the square, rushing to the crowd to rescue Qin Feng and being pushed into the car.

The video was only about ten seconds long. After watching it, he couldn't help but look down at An Qiaoran, and asked calmly, "Should you give me an explanation?"

"Huh? What?"

An Qiaoran looked up and saw the video on the computer screen. An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, and then she came to her senses and looked at him in surprise, "Are you jealous?"

Lu Yuchen's face became uncomfortable, and he did not deny it.

"This happened half a month ago, the time you saw me and Qin Feng at the gate of the group."

"I want to hear the reason, why do you care about him?" Lu Yuchen's eyes were only serious.

"Last time at the celebration, I met him once. I did that to repay his favor. From now on, I will never have anything to do with him." An Qiaoran said with certainty.

"I'm just asking, and I'm in such a hurry to explain." Lu Yuchen deleted the video with a calm expression.

"Of course, otherwise you should be jealous."

"I should be jealous. After all, he came here for a trivial matter. Do you think he just came to look for Ah Heng?" Lu Yuchen took a deep look at An Qiaoran.

"Is not it?"

An Qiaoran blinked and looked at him for two seconds, then suddenly remembered something and looked at him in surprise.

"I see. It turns out that when you said you were going to transfer Ah Heng to the entertainment company, it turned out that it was because you were jealous, and you wanted to vent your anger on Ah Heng!"

She didn't expect him to have deep thoughts, and she almost didn't see it.

Being exposed by An Qiaoran like this, Lu Yuchen was still rather embarrassed, and his face became so uncomfortable.

"I'm just jealous, okay?" Lu Yuchen glanced at her uncomfortably.

"Okay! I like the way you are jealous the most." An Qiaoran said with a smile.

"But I won't make you jealous in the future, but you, you have a lot of rotten peach blossoms all day long, and there are many beauties in the company. I have to worry about you even when I'm pregnant."

Saying that, An Qiaoran sighed maturely, "Oh!"

(End of this chapter)

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