Chapter 1144
Looking at her helplessly, seeing her serious face, she finally lost the battle, "I really can't do anything about you."

Hearing what he said, An Qiaoran knew that he agreed, "Then please, Mr. Lu."

Ignoring An Qiaoran's address, walked over and sat down, and the staff fastened his seat belt.

As time passed, he hadn't started yet, just waiting, his face was still ugly.

"come on!"

An Qiaoran encouraged him.

Lu Yuchen tightly grasped the armrest next to him, and did not reply to her, his thin lips were tightly pursed.

Finally, the countdown has begun, and it has started, from slow to faster and faster.

An Qiaoran stood just below, clearly seeing his hair disheveled by the wind and his pale face.

During the 3 minutes of the roller coaster, Lu Yuchen experienced the most frightening thing in his life.

"Isn't it fun? Exciting?" As soon as he stopped, An Qiaoran went up to ask him about his situation, his face was so pale that there was no trace of blood.

"I just want to say, after you give birth, I will let you experience it for yourself." Lu Yuchen looked at her and said threateningly.

It had to be said that An Qiaoran was also a little afraid of this thing, but it wasn't that serious, so Lu Yuchen naturally couldn't threaten him.

"Three more times." An Qiaoran raised three fingers and looked at him with a smile.

Seeing Lu Yuchen's face look ugly again, An Qiaoran came back and smiled at him.

Lu Yuchen didn't have the heart to smile at her at all, and he didn't even have the heart to speak, he experienced 'life and death' again.

Four times, it took only 12 minutes. After these 12 minutes, Lu Yuchen's hair was all messed up, his face was pale, and his thin lips were purplish.

Coming down the stairs, his body was a little unstable, An Qiaoran quickly stepped forward and reached out to support him, "Are... are you okay?"

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, but felt his stomach turned upside down, and when he saw the trash can beside him, he ran over quickly, hunched over and vomited.

"It's so miserable!"

An Qiaoran patted him on the back with some distress, and the others looked at this scene with strange eyes.

Lu Yuchen vomited a lot, probably vomited out all the food he ate last night.

An Qiaoran had already prepared tissues and water, and after he finished vomiting, he quickly handed them to him.

Lu Yuchen took it silently, wiped his mouth over and over again, and rinsed his mouth over and over again.

An Qiaoran knew that he was a clean freak, so he took out a piece of chewing gum from his bag and handed it to him.

"not enough."

He took it and said two words in disgust.

An Qiaoran had no choice but to give him two more tablets, "Is that enough?"

He was silent, tore off the package and put it in his mouth, chewed it, and within a minute he spit it out again, "Why is it strawberry flavored?"

"Uh... Strawberry flavor, isn't it good?" An Qiaoran asked tentatively.

"I don't like it, I want the mint flavor." Lu Yuchen was still picky.

"Okay! For the sake of your embarrassment." An Qiaoran sighed, and went to the canteen with Lu Yuchen, bought another box of mint flavored ones, and put them in his pocket.

"What else do you need, I will answer them all."

Sitting four times in a row was indeed tormenting him enough, and she was quite distressed.

"Are you sure you agree?" Lu Yuchen looked at her with raised eyebrows.


Seeing his malicious expression, An Qiaoran felt a little regretful, but she felt sorry for him, so she nodded.

"Then I'm welcome."

Lu Yuchen raised her chin, leaned over, and slowly approached her. An Qiaoran froze, watching his face slowly enlarge in his eyes, without any reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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