Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1146 Not being scared by ghosts, but beating ghosts

Chapter 1146 Not being scared by ghosts, but beating ghosts

An Qiaoran looked at the scene in front of him and blinked in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

"What's the matter?" An Qiaoran looked at them and asked.

They looked at An Qiaoran one by one, then glanced at Lu Yuchen, angrily said, "It's not him..."

Halfway through the speech, seeing Lu Yuchen's cold gaze, he couldn't say a word, covering the painful places one by one.

An Qiaoran heard them talking halfway, and then looked at Lu Yuchen. Seeing that his face was normal, and he didn't mean to be frightened, she was stunned for a while, and she suddenly realized after a while.

Pointing at Lu Yuchen in disbelief, "Could it be that you beat them all?"

He was really weird in the haunted house just now, these people were all beaten by him, that's why there were those screams?
"I hit a ghost."

Lu Yuchen looked serious.

An Qiaoran didn't know what to say.

She thought he was afraid of ghosts, so they arranged to be together, but she didn't expect that instead of being frightened by ghosts, he wounded the ghosts.

The people in disguise glanced at each other, and then looked at An Qiaoran, "We don't care anyway, we were all injured, and you made us do this, and you have to bear the medical expenses."

An Qiaoran: "..."

Even if you are beaten, don't confess her!Is the person in question still here?
When Lu Yuchen heard what those people said, he looked at An Qiaoran with a little more complicated eyes.

He just said that she had a problem today.

An Qiaoran pretended not to see his gaze, but just looked at everyone, "I'll take you to the hospital!"

She saw that they were all seriously injured, and Lu Yuchen was really ruthless.

Reluctantly, An Qiaoran called the bodyguard and drove here. There were too many injuries, and some people shared a car with them, and all of them changed into casual clothes.

Lu Yuchen was driving, and An Qiaoran was discussing medical expenses with Lu Yuchen in the co-pilot.

"With so many people, some hands were broken by you, and some feet were discounted by you. This is a lot of medical expenses. I don't have that much money, so you pay!"

"You called these people, and I didn't know they were human. Isn't it normal for me to defend myself?" Lu Yuchen looked at the front and said seriously.

"Didn't I tell you it's all fake? You still have such a heavy hand."

He was really enough, all the people inside were beaten by him, none of them were slightly injured, all were seriously injured.

"Anyway, I don't care. You called the person, and you pay for the medical expenses yourself." Lu Yuchen was going to use this incident as a shield to distance himself from the relationship.

Seeing Lu Yuchen like this, An Qiaoran knew that he was angry with him.Because she deliberately found these people to scare him.

However, it still works today, at least he will be angry with her.

"I don't have a job, but I'm not as rich as you. You are the dignified president of IE. To you, this little medical expense shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen and laughed.

Lu Yuchen pursed his lips, did not speak, and concentrated on driving the car.

But the conversation between the two has been overheard by the women behind, and they are not calm.

"What? You are Lu Yuchen, the president of IE?" One of the women looked at the two people in front of her in shock.

"Then you are Lu Yuchen's wife?"

The people behind were as shocked as they were, and they spoke in a tone as if their whole body was recovering.An Qiaoran couldn't say a word.

This and Lu Yuchen can't be quiet when he goes out.

"Since you are Lu Yuchen, can I take a photo with you? Don't worry, I don't want your medical expenses."

The woman's adoring eyes fell on the driver's seat in front.

(End of this chapter)

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