Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 116 Breaking into Chen's House

Chapter 116 Breaking into Chen's House
When did Mo Yixuan get so close to the Chen family?

"Yes, young master. Our people who followed him secretly saw it with our own eyes. He has been to Chen's house almost three times a day in the past few days."

"Go so many times?" Lu Yuchen was thoughtful.

"I also find it strange, since he is interested in the young lady, and since the young lady is in his hands, he should go to see it. But not only did he not go to see it, but he also... got very close to Miss Chen Er."

Lu Yuchen turned off the computer and began to think seriously.

"Mo Yixuan, Chen Lanxue, An Qiaoran... I have called out the surveillance at Mo Yixuan's house, and if there is no abnormality in him, it means that An Qiaoran is not at his house. But he often goes to Chen's house , and she is still very close to Chen Lanxue..."

Speaking of this, Lu Yuchen suddenly thought of something, and quickly stood up, "Go to Chen's house!"

Nade was stunned for a while before realizing Lu Yuchen's thoughts, and hurriedly went to get a coat for Lu Yuchen to put on.


Ten minutes later... Several cars stopped in front of Chen's house one after another.

The car door opened, and Lu Yuchen stepped down first, followed by many men in black suits from the car behind.

"Leave two people at the door, and the rest come in with me!" Lu Yuchen ordered coldly, and then a group of people led by him rushed into Chen's house.

Before the housekeeper had time to enter the door to report, he was pushed aside.

Seeing that something was wrong, several maids rushed in to inform them.

But as soon as Chen Guangren got the news, Lu Yuchen led a large group of people into the hall.

After Chen Guangren was stunned for a second, he quickly stood up and walked towards Lu Yuchen, "Young Master Lu came suddenly, please sit down."

"You don't need to sit down. I came here this time just to ask you for someone."

Hearing this, Chen Guangren was stunned, with a blank expression on his face, "Want... someone? I wonder who Young Master Lu wants?"

"An-Qiao-Ran!" Lu Yuchen's voice was cold, as he gritted his teeth, these three words were almost squeezed out between his teeth.


At the same time, Chen Lanxue was walking in from behind. When she heard Lu Yuchen's voice, she quickly hid and listened behind the wall.

I thought to myself, why did Lu Yuchen come?Did he think An Qiaoran was in the Chen residence?

When he heard that Lu Yuchen wanted An Qiaoran, Chen Guangren was completely stunned, "Young Master Lu, An Qiaoran is not with you, why is it with me?"

"Whether I'm here or not, I'll find out after I search." Lu Yuchen snorted coldly, and raised his right hand.

"Search for me!" Nade took the lead and rushed up.

Chen Guangren was a little unhappy for a moment, "Young Master Lu, An Qiaoran has already been kicked out of the house by me, even if you had any disputes with her, she would never come to my house, besides, she harmed my eldest daughter, even if If she really came, how could I let her go?"

No matter what he said, Lu Yuchen just ignored him, walked to the sofa and sat down, with a domineering aura, his cold eyes swept every corner of the hall.

"Where's Chen Lanxue?" He asked coldly.

Hearing him ask about herself, Chen Lanxue, who was hiding in the corner, took a step back subconsciously.

what to do?Mo Yixuan was still in the bamboo garden, if he came down and bumped into Lu Yuchen, it would be troublesome.

Just as Chen Lanxue was thinking, Chen Guangren's voice sounded, "Just now the president of the Mo Group came, and my daughter went to the back mountain with her to play."

back mountain...

Mo Yixuan and Chen Lanxue went to the back mountain?

Lu Yuchen was thinking, when he suddenly saw the corner of the pink clothes hiding in the corner, "Who is hiding there? Get out!"

As soon as these words were said, all eyes in the hall followed Lu Yuchen's gaze, and sure enough, they saw the corner of Chen Lanxue's clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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