Chapter 1169
"Dad don't throw it!"

Lu Jiayi quickly stretched out both hands to hug Lu Yuchen's big palm, and looked at him longingly, "Father, brother Bin gave it to me, you can't throw it away."

Jiang Yanbin watched this scene indifferently, without saying a word from the beginning to the end.

"Eating too much sugar is bad for your health." Lu Yuchen looked at her holding his hand and frowned.

"But I just like it!" Jiayi said, "And I don't eat too much, I only eat this one, Dad, just give it to me!"

Lu Yuchen looked at her, and didn't intend to let go.

"Lu Yuchen, give her the candy." An Qiaoran finally couldn't help but speak out.

"An Qiaoran, she has eaten enough at home." Lu Yuchen didn't want to let go.

"It doesn't matter if you have one more!" An Qiaoran said, seeing that he was not about to let go, he stretched out his hand and opened his hand, took out the candy inside, and handed it to Jiayi.

Afterwards, he still didn't forget to give Lu Yuchen a glare, "I think you have ulterior motives, I see how long you can hold on."

"Why do I have ulterior motives?" Lu Yuchen was completely dissatisfied.

"You know it yourself." An Qiaoran didn't intend to poke him.

An Qiaoran felt very strange, why did Lu Yuchen insist on not letting Jiayi and Jiang Yanbin be together?Just because the kids are young?But now is childlike innocence, okay?We'll have to see what's next.

I really don't know why he resisted so much.

"An Qiaoran, try talking nonsense again?" Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran and said warningly.

"I'm not talking nonsense! You originally had ulterior motives." An Qiaoran winked at him and said seriously.

"Do you dare to say one more thing?"

Lu Yuchen narrowed his eyes and looked at her, which was a sign of getting angry.


so easily angry?Could this be the legend of becoming angry from embarrassment?
There are still so many people here, An Qiaoran didn't want these people to see her and Lu Yuchen quarreling over such a trivial matter, so she stopped talking and covered Jiayi with a quilt.

"Brother Bin, can you sit here?" Jiayi ate the candy, glanced at the chair beside the bed, and said to Jiang Yanbin.

Jiang Yanbin didn't speak or move.

"Brother Bin, come here quickly!" Jiayi beckoned to him.

Lu Yuchen couldn't stand it any longer, "Lu Jiayi, can you still be a little bit better?"

"Huh? Dad, what is this thing? Can it be eaten?"

Jiayi purely wanted to know what her skills were, but Lu Yuchen's ears turned to something else.

Lu Yuchen wanted to hit her, but seeing An Qiaoran's eyes, he could bear it again and didn't speak.

What kind of weird things did he give birth to?
In the end, Jiang Yanbin couldn't resist Lu Jiayi's innocence. He sat down by the bed, looked at her, and finally said, "After eating candy, do your legs still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt much anymore." Lu Jiayi said.

"I heard from my mother that eating sugar can relieve pain."

"Really? From now on, wherever I hurt, you can buy me candy, okay?"

Jiang Yanbin didn't speak for a moment.

"is it okay!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yanbin nodded, and Lu Jiayi smiled, "That's great, I'll have candies from now on."

Seeing her daughter happy like this, An Qiaoran was very pleased and happy in her heart, but Lu Yuchen's expression was not very good-looking.


The reason why Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran haven't taken Lu Jiayi to the hospital to recuperate is mainly because they have to wait for the parents of the five girls here. After all, Lu Yuchen's daughter has been bullied, so it's impossible to just let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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