Chapter 1172 Tooth Mark
On the stairs beside him, Jiang Yanbin's figure appeared there, looking at the girls on the playground, there was some anger in his small eyes, but it was not obvious.

"Dad, I was injured too, and I can't beat that fat girl, she is very strong."

One of the girls with a ball head pointed in one direction and said to her father.

"Are you injured too? Wasn't it Lu Jiayi who you beat together?" The man was a little shocked when he saw the obvious tooth marks on his daughter's exposed arm, and then looked at Lu Yuchen.

"Boss Lu, this..."

Lu Yuchen glanced at the tooth marks on the girl's arm indifferently, then looked down at his daughter, "Did you bite her?"

"No." Lu Jiayi shook her head, "I was surrounded and beaten by them, and I didn't even have a chance to fight back."

Lu Yuchen pursed his lips and didn't ask any further questions. He looked at the man and raised his eyebrows, "Did you hear that?"


The man thought it was Lu Jiayi who bit her, but seeing Lu Jiayi's denial, he became even more convinced. He palmed his daughter's shoulder and looked at her clearly, "Xiaoyu, if you want to tell the truth, who bit you?"


The girl hesitated a bit, and looked towards a certain place in front, where Jiang Yanbin was standing there, with his hands on his sides, looking at this side, without speaking, with his small mouth pursed.

The man didn't notice his daughter's gaze, and looked at her persistently, "Say it! You don't even know who bit you?"


"Is that Lu Jiayi?" The man suddenly brought his thin lips close to the girl, and asked in a small voice.

The girl struggled for a moment, and just as she was about to shake her head, her father said again, "Listen Xiaoyu, since you can't beat other people, then you can say that Lu Jiayi bit you, so you don't have to fight anyone else."

The girl nodded upon hearing this.

"Xiaoyu, answer me quickly, who bit you." The man asked again.

"'s Lu Jiayi!"

The girl suddenly stretched out her index finger, pointing at Lu Jiayi who was being held by Lu Yuchen, and said in an affirmative tone.

Hearing this, not only An Qiaoran, but everyone looked at Lu Yuchen in surprise, wanting to know his reaction.

After all, now that the victim has also hurt someone, this matter has to be discussed elsewhere.

"you're lying!"

Jiayi looked at the girl excitedly, and after she finished speaking, she looked up at Lu Yuchen again, "Dad, she lied, I didn't bite her, I didn't bite her."


Things seemed to have changed again, and everyone stood quietly watching the scene.

Lu Yuchen naturally believed in his daughter unconditionally, and even if Jiayi really bit someone, it would be over with a wave of money.

These people only have money in their eyes anyway.

He looked at the man with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "What do you think?"

"My daughter will never lie, Mr. Lu, please be careful."

"My daughter won't lie either." Lu Yuchen looked at him with a half-smile in his deep black eyes.

"This is troublesome. The truth is unknown. Since this is the case, why not let this matter go?" The man tried to break away from the "fight" between girls.

His daughter is a treasure, but it can't be because of something, otherwise the family will not be able to forgive him.

"How can there be no way of knowing? The result can be obtained by comparing the tooth marks with my daughter's teeth."

Hearing this, the man's face was obviously not right, "This... how do we compare this? The accuracy rate is not high, right?"

"Of course I have my own way." As Lu Yuchen said, he got up with his daughter in his arms and was about to walk over.

"and many more!"

A childish voice suddenly blocked Lu Yuchen's progress.

(End of this chapter)

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