Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1180 Lu Yuchen of "Heavy Taste"

Chapter 1180 Lu Yuchen of "Heavy Taste"

His sudden approach made An Qiaoran's breathing stagnate, and he looked at him nervously, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Lu Yuchen..."

An Qiaoran moved uncomfortably, ready to stand up from the other side, when suddenly, another arm blocked her way, and she was trapped on the chair by his arms.

An Qiaoran looked at him helplessly, his handsome face suddenly approached and stopped in front of her eyes, the turbid breath sprayed on her face, itching, her face turned red unconsciously.

"You...why are you so close to me?" An Qiaoran was so teased by him that he had already forgotten about the matter of finding him.

"Near? Do you think this is called near?" After the extremely ambiguous words, Lu Yuchen exhaled at her.

When An Qiaoran smelled this smell, his stomach churns and he almost vomited.

"How is it? Does it taste good? Is it particularly fragrant?" Lu Yuchen reached out and lifted her chin, and looked at her.


What a ghost!How could the food she made to spoof him taste better?Anyway, she couldn't stand rice cooked with undercooked eggs.

"What? Can't you smell it? It's okay, I have a way for you to experience it deeply." After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he lowered his head and wanted to kiss her.

Realizing what he was going to do, An Qiaoran shook his head quickly, covered his mouth with his hand, "What are you doing? Go and do your business."

She didn't want to smell that smell, she would vomit, she would vomit.

"I'm not going to do anything now, so I just want to get you done." The teasing in Lu Yuchen's eyes decreased, and a trace of anger gradually increased, and he gritted his teeth when he spoke.

"Then how can I do it? Work is important!" An Qiaoran was only focused on resisting his kiss, not noticing Lu Yuchen's changed expression at all.

"But as I said, you are more important than anything else." Lu Yuchen said, lowering his head even more, his lips were already on the back of her hand covering her lips, frowning displeasedly, he stretched out his hand to grab her hand, He was about to take her hand off, but An Qiaoran firmly covered it, and pushed him with the other hand, shaking his head in resistance.

"An Qiaoran, I just want you to have a taste of this. What's the matter? Do you think your fried rice is not tasty? Doesn't it taste good?"

Seeing Lu Yuchen finally moved a little distance away, An Qiaoran relaxed, but still covered her mouth, looked at him and said.

"I just think you're so busy, and it's broad daylight now, it's not suitable to do this kind of thing."

"I didn't say what to do? Don't you want to do it?"

Lu Yuchen looked at her with raised eyebrows.


Can you not get so close to her, she really can't bear the smell.

At this moment, An Qiaoran was in despair.

As if he could see what she was thinking, Lu Yuchen not only didn't move away from her, but instead moved closer to her, deliberately speaking with strong taste.

"An Qiaoran, as a wife, you have to satisfy me!"

The last three words came out of him, it was really heavy taste!

An Qiaoran couldn't bear it any longer, so she stretched out her hand and pushed him out, looking at her angrily, "Go and brush my teeth!"

Lu Yuchen was pushed aside by him, seeing her angry face, the corners of his mouth curled up, "Why should I brush my teeth? You haven't tasted it yet."

"I know the taste of my own frying, so I don't need to taste it."

An Qiaoran swore to never play tricks on Lu Yuchen again about food and clothing, because in the end, she would definitely count herself in.

"Then what do you mean by telling me to brush my teeth?" Lu Yuchen stopped acting and asked her straight to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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