Chapter 1182 I used to be a maid too

Lu Yuchen looked at her, and said in a low voice, the word 'apology' was said in such a low voice that An Qiaoran couldn't hear it very clearly.


Seeing that she didn't hear clearly, Lu Yuchen didn't intend to say it again, besides, he just got impatient because he was left out in the cold.

"I didn't know you were so disgusted with this rotten egg and spit like that."

There is no lack of disgust in the tone of the speech, and there is no lack of worry in the disgust.

"It's not rotten eggs, it's just raw."

After subconsciously speaking, An Qiaoran was stunned. She seemed to be out of order...

No, how did he know there was something wrong with that meal?Why didn't you say it just now?
Thinking about it, An Qiaoran looked at him angrily, "You know that there is something wrong with that meal and still eat it, and you do it on purpose, you are too much!"

"I just wanted to tease you."

Besides, if he knew how disgusted she was, he wouldn't tease her even if he went crazy, causing the current situation.

"Teasing? A simple teasing made me throw up all I ate in the morning." An Qiaoran still feels very uncomfortable in his stomach, and it's all thanks to him.

"Then who told you to spoof me?"

If she didn't have bad intentions, how could she become like this?
"You still have the nerve to say it!" Mentioning this, An Qiaoran remembered the reason why he was spoofing him, and suddenly became very angry, threw the magazine on the quilt, and looked at him angrily.

"Why am I embarrassed to say it?"

Lu Yuchen looked at her, didn't he change his face too quickly?

"How do you teach your daughter? You let her be rude to the maids in the villa? If this continues, she will become a real daughter." An Qiaoran looked at him, very angry.

"How did I teach her?"

Lu Yuchen was very puzzled.

"I'm just asking you." An Qiaoran said angrily.

"Isn't my Lu Yuchen's daughter a rich lady or something?" Lu Yu frowned at her.

"Arrogant, domineering, unreasonable, you want her to become such a person?"


Lu Yuchen raised his eyebrows, and successfully saw An Qiaoran raised up, ready to kick his feet, and quickly changed his words, "I didn't teach him anything, what does it have to do with me? What happened to her?"

"What's the matter? I fried a bowl of egg fried rice for her today, and I saw him drink five or six drinks to that maid. It's a bad attitude anyway, and he blatantly manipulated those people around."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, the bedroom was suddenly quiet for a few seconds. Only then did An Qiaoran realize that Lu Yuchen had been looking at him, and asked impatiently, "What are you looking at me for?"

"You didn't cook rice for Jiayi? Huh?" Lu Yuchen looked at her, obviously a little angry.


Dressed up...

Ok!She was indeed incapable of lying, An Qiaoran admitted that she was wronged, and did not continue this topic.

"I'm discussing Jiayi's attitude towards people with you now, don't talk about other things."

Seeing that she didn't intend to continue this topic, Lu Yuchen said nicely, lying down, "She is my Lu Yuchen's daughter, she shouldn't be submissive and let others bully you, you haven't heard of people bullying Ma Shan Being ridden?"

"But the maid didn't bully her, did she! Her tone of voice is wrong. It's wrong to develop such a habit since childhood. Will it be okay in the future?"

"It's just a maid, isn't it just to use money to hire it? Lu Jiayi is their little master, and it's only natural for them to do anything."

Leaning halfway, Lu Yuchen picked up the magazine on the quilt and flipped through it casually, and spoke uprightly.

"It's just a personal maid?" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen quietly, her tone was very unhappy, "Lu Yuchen, don't forget, I used to be a maid too."

(End of this chapter)

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