Chapter 1186 Serious Dad

Lu Yuchen said with a blank face, sat down on the sofa beside him, glanced at Lu Jiayi, "Let's act!"

Lu Jiayi didn't intend to move, "Dad, my leg hurts so much."

"Unless you faint, you still have to pick it up." Lu Yuchen didn't believe what she said about the leg pain, but An Qiaoran believed it a little, and couldn't help but glance at Lu Yuchen.

Just when she was about to say something, Lu Yuchen interrupted her as if she knew what she was going to say.

"It's what you said that you can't get used to her. It's not your turn to talk now. It's my time to discipline her."

Lu Yuchen's words blocked An Qiaoran back, she really couldn't get in the way.

But her legs...

"It's just that you trust her. She is much smarter than you."

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he looked at Lu Jiayi who was still doing nothing, "If you don't pick it up, go and stand outside the door. You are not allowed to come in within three hours. Go."


Lu Jiayi began to pretend to be pitiful.

"It's useless to be cute, hurry up." Lu Yuchen was quite ruthless in educating children, and An Qiaoran looked at him quietly from the side.

She didn't believe that Lu Yuchen would let Jiayi's injured leg stand outside for three hours!At most, it was just to scare her.

"I dont go."

Lu Jiayi started to get angry.

"It's okay if you don't go." Lu Yuchen's face was full of seriousness, "If you don't go, you won't be able to eat, watch TV, or sleep. Choose yourself!"


Seeing that Lu Yuchen didn't intend to compromise, Lu Jiayi could only turn her gaze to An Qiaoran, hoping that she would intercede, "Mom..."

"It's useless to call your mother. No one can help you except yourself."

Lu Yuchen directly cut off her hope.

Lu Jiayi lowered her head and didn't speak anymore. The surrounding was extremely quiet. An Qiaoran couldn't see her emotions clearly. She wanted to say something, but Lu Yuchen warned her with her eyes. After that, she didn't move.

I don't know how long it took before Jiayi raised her head to look at Lu Yuchen, and obediently admitted her mistake, "Dad, I was wrong, I shouldn't have thrown things around."

"Just pick up half of it." Lu Yuchen looked at her thin lips and slightly parted.

She only realized half the mistake.

"I shouldn't be angry with the maid sister, I, I shouldn't yell at them, my mother said it, but I forgot."

At the end, Lu Jiayi's voice became smaller and smaller, because she forgot what An Qiaoran said.

Seeing Lu Jiayi who was so easy to admit mistakes, An Qiaoran was a little relieved and surprised. She didn't expect that Lu Jiayi, who was still playing with her temper just now, has now realized her mistakes under Lu Yuchen's "teaching".

"Now that I know where I went wrong, next time I throw things around and play with my temper, I won't just stand outside the door."

Lu Yuchen's tone was still serious.

"Well, I will definitely remember." Lu Jiayi nodded obediently.

When you're done, Lu Yuchen can't continue acting anymore, so he stood up, "Now you can find a way to clean up the floor yourself, but if you can't use orders, you have to be polite, understand?"

"I know Dad."

Lu Yuchen glanced at Lu Jiayi, then left, walked to the door, and gave An Qiaoran a wink.

An Qiaoran had no choice but to ignore it, and patted Jiayi's head, "Don't watch TV all the time, tell the maid sister if you want to go out, and let them take you around."


"An Qiaoran!"

A man's impatient voice came from outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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