Chapter 1190 Use this way to comfort him

What An Qiaoran did made Lu Yuchen frowned, "Didn't you lose your strength? You got up so soon?"

"Qiao Qiao is here! Wouldn't it be good to let her be down there alone? So I went down." An Qiaoran said and got off the bed.

"So you were pretending to be tired just now." Lu Yuchen looked at her very dissatisfied.

"No! I'm wronged!" An Qiaoran cried out, "I'm really tired, but no matter how tired I am, I still can't see Qiao Qiao, right? I called her here."

Lu Yuchen looked at her, feeling unhappy, but said nothing.

An Qiaoran was about to leave, but just after taking a step, she suddenly thought of something, stopped, turned her eyes to look at Lu Yuchen, then tiptoed to kiss him on the lips, "Good boy~"

Then she left and closed the door.

Lu Yuchen stood there, his whole body was stiff and hadn't reacted yet, he was stunned for a moment, then reached out to touch his lips, her temperature was still there.

Ah!This woman... Knowing that he is unhappy, she also knows how to comfort him in this way, she is smart.

After standing there for a while, he walked to the bedside table, took out his mobile phone, turned to Ah Heng's phone number, dialed it, but was prompted to turn it off.

Lu Yuchen suddenly became a little angry. His mobile phone was still turned off. Don't you know that as his assistant, the mobile phone must be turned on 24 hours a day?What the hell is he doing!


Next to the bus station at the foot of the mountain, it was already very late at this time, and there were very few vehicles on the road.

An Qiaoli sat alone on the bench on the platform, looking at the contacts on her mobile phone, with her thumb resting on the top, but she still didn't have the courage to click on it.

Ah Heng...

He must be mad at her now, and he must never talk to her, otherwise, he wouldn't say that about her.

"Di Di!"

A car horn sounded, An Qiaoli raised her eyes, and saw a very strong headlight coming directly, she couldn't help but stretch out her hand to cover her eyes.

From the corner of her fingers, she could see that the car stopped not far from the platform, and then a man got off the car. The light was so strong that An Qiaoli couldn't see clearly.

After the car lights were turned off, An Qiaoli put down her hands, looked at the man who was coming here, and the moment she saw the facial features of the man, a look of disappointment flashed through her heart.

not him……

That's right, why did he come?
She didn't want to come to the classmate banquet just now, but because it was in a bar, she came and posted on Moments, making him think that she was drunk in a hotel.

I thought he would come when he saw it, but... no.

"Lily, it's already so late, why haven't you come home yet?" Zhang Li walked over, saw her sitting here alone, and asked.

"I don't want to go home, can't I?" An Qiaoli's tone was very flat, she didn't look at him, but just looked at the road ahead, there were not many vehicles on it.

Zhang Li was used to his indifference, so he walked up to her and sat down beside her without saying anything.

"I just saw that you didn't talk much at the banquet. Is it because of me?"

Hearing this, An Qiaoli let out a low laugh, "Heh! Do you think you have such a charm that you can make me say nothing at the banquet?"


"Don't call me that, I'm not familiar with you." An Qiaoli's tone was a little dissatisfied.

"Not familiar? We are classmates for two years."

"But I have nothing to do with you."

"But you know, I like you! Besides, we are still in the same university, and we will have plenty of time to spend together in the future."

Zhang Li's tone was full of affection, but An Qiaoli was very angry when he heard it.

"It's because of you that he and I became what we are now. Are you announcing your victory by saying you like me now?"

"You and him? That Ah Heng?"

After Zhang Li finished speaking, he saw a commercial vehicle stop, and the lights shone on the two of them, reflecting a splendor.

(End of this chapter)

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