Chapter 1193 Lu Yuchen changed sex?

"It's not your illusion, she's really crying." Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at the direction of the second floor.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran sighed, "Oh! This Lily has become weird recently, and I don't know what happened to her and Ah Heng. I won't tell her if I ask her, and I can't do anything about her. .”

An Qiaoran said, and glanced at Lu Yuchen, "Did you put pressure on Ah Heng, that he was in a bad mood and quarreled with Lily?"

"What does their quarrel have to do with me?" Lu Yuchen frowned and said unhappily.

"I'll just say it casually." An Qiaoran touched his nose, wondering if this man should be so serious.

"You can't drag me into it by talking casually. I'm not interested in the affairs of the two of them."

Lu Yuchen had a stinky face, and there were two words written all over his face: Dissatisfaction!


With Lu Yuchen's reaction, An Qiaoran couldn't find anything to complain about.

He just couldn't tolerate her making the slightest joke.

"Brother Bin, the animal world is gone, let's see the little pig, okay?"

Lu Jiayi's immature voice came from the side hall, and An Qiaoran shook her head helplessly.

Ever since Jiang Yanbin came, Lu Jiayi didn't want to eat anything. She just wanted to watch TV with him, pile up blocks, and play games. It was already very late, and she didn't even go to bed. It was the first time she slept so late.

"These two kids are having so much fun." Zhao Qiaoqiao glanced at the big clock on the wall, and then said, "It's already so late, we should go back."

"I'll call Yanbin."

Jiang Hao must not go to the side hall.

"It's already so late, I don't think you guys should leave, just rest here for the night!" An Qiaoran suggested.

Hearing this, Zhao Qiaoqiao was in trouble, "This...isn't that good!"

"It's nothing bad, the two children are having fun! If you leave, Jiayi probably won't be able to sleep all night."


Having said that, Zhao Qiaoqiao still has some concerns, after all, he is a family!Although they are good friends, it's not good to live with others!

Just when An Qiaoran was about to continue persuading her, Lu Yuchen suddenly spoke.

"Since An Qiaoran has said so, you can stay here for one night first, anyway, there are plenty of rooms."

When Lu Yuchen opened his mouth, Zhao Qiaoqiao, Jiang Hao and An Qiaoran were all stunned, looking at him with strange and surprised eyes.

"An Qiaoran, what kind of eyes are you looking at?" Lu Yuchen looked at her dissatisfied.

What did she mean by looking at him like that?
"Is your brain burned out? Or is there something wrong with it?"

An Qiaoran looked at him in surprise, his attitude towards Zhao Qiaoqiao and his family today can be said to have undergone a 360-degree change!
Not only did he not object to her opinion, but he also took the initiative to let them stay?Is this unusual?If it were normal, shouldn't he wish that he would leave early?

"An Qiaoran, do you dare to repeat what you just said?" Lu Yuchen looked at her with half-closed eyes, and there was a warning in his faint voice.

He even said that his brain was burned out and his tendons were wrongly set.

"That's right! You're not usually..."

In the middle of speaking, he noticed the look in Lu Yuchen's eyes, and simply shut up, and didn't say more.

Turning to look at Zhao Qiaoqiao, "Qiaoqiao, it's okay, as he said, there are many rooms, you can stay here for one night at ease, tomorrow weekend, we will take the children to the playground, Jiayi hasn't been there for a long time , clamoring to go!"

Speaking of this, I suddenly thought of something, turned to look at Lu Yuchen, "You should have time, right?"

Recently, he didn't know what he was busy with in the company. He was so busy that he took up two days of the weekend and only came back at night.

(End of this chapter)

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