Chapter 1207

Hearing Lu Yuchen's words, An Qiaoran's face suddenly turned red, and she looked at him angrily, "Say more!"

It's shameless to say such things to her in front of so many people.

There were a lot of people around, and there were not a few people who heard Lu Yuchen's words. They didn't say a word, but looked at An Qiaoran with complicated eyes.

Such a handsome boyfriend, how could she still be angry?
"Didn't you say you wanted it?" Lu Yuchen asked with a straight face, raising his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth curled into a hint of teasing.

"You said it!"

An Qiaoran picked up the flowers and faced him, as if about to throw them over.

"Can't you just stop talking?"

If you are angry, you will be angry, why are you still venting your anger with the flowers he sent?

An Qiaoran continued to look at the person who was hitting the balloon, not knowing how many bullets he had bought, but in the end, he was hit by twenty rounds, and he could only get a small doll.

When the little doll came into the hands of his girlfriend, the girlfriend looked disgusted, "It's too small, I want that big rabbit!"

"Okay, okay! I'll give you whatever you want, boss, and another hundred rounds!"

The big rabbit needs to hit 85 balloons to get it, and he actually asked for a hundred shots. Is the marksmanship so inaccurate?An Qiaoran thought so.

"That big bear is so cute, I like it so much!" An excited female voice suddenly sounded, An Qiaoran turned his eyes, and saw a woman standing in the crowd with her boyfriend, pointing at the big bear on the ground, her face was full of excitement.

That's right, it was the big bear that An Qiaoran had his eye on.

"Big Bear needs to pop a hundred balloons to get it. It's very popular. This is the last one."

The boss put on a brand new balloon and hung it on the wall, while talking cheerfully.

the last one……

An Qiaoran's heart tightened, and he grabbed Lu Yuchen's arm blindly, "I want that big bear, can you be full?"

"One hundred?"

"It doesn't matter how many, anyway, you just need to get me the big bear."

An Qiaoran looked at him with anticipation in his eyes, she really liked that big bear, she wanted to take it back and hug it to sleep.

"Hey! The big bear is mine, don't try to snatch it from me!" The woman who had been arguing for the big bear just now had a gesture of declaring war when she heard their conversation.

How could An Qiaoran tolerate her haughty look, and watched her declare war, "Let's see who gets it first!"


His girlfriend glared at An Qiaoran, as if she was determined to win, she turned around and looked at her boyfriend acting like a baby, "I want this big bear, you must get it for me."

"Don't worry." The boyfriend touched his head, glanced at An Qiaoran, and then looked at the boss, "Give me 150 rounds."

"Lu Yuchen, you must get it for me, otherwise I... I will ignore you."

An Qiaoran glanced at the man contemptuously, then looked at Lu Yuchen, and said threateningly.

150 rounds, [-] rounds must hit to get the big bear, buy [-] more rounds, it's really embarrassing.

Seeing An Qiaoran like this, Lu Yuchen's eyes flashed with affection, and he patted her head, "Don't worry, I will definitely get it for you."

"Give me a hundred shots." This is what Lu Yuchen said to the boss.

As soon as the words came out, the boss and everyone present were astonished. He wanted a hundred shots, so he couldn't make a mistake even if he made a single shot, and he had to hit every shot?He has such a big grasp?

Everyone looked at him questioningly, thinking that he was doomed.

"You're really overwhelmed. You've hit every shot. Do you think you're a sharpshooter?" The woman put her hands on her chest with a look of disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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