Chapter 1215 Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine sugar people
While Nie Feng was shocked, he received a message that 10 yuan had been credited to his account.

"Materials will be transported to your warehouse tonight, and the countdown will be counted down in half a month tomorrow morning."

After finishing speaking, the man hung up the phone. Nie Feng was in shock of receiving [-] yuan, and it took him a long time to react.

What luck did he have today?How could you meet such a man who spends money like sand?President Lu?Which Mr. Lu?So rich?Willing to spend 100 million to let him be so many sugar people for the purpose of marriage.

Although this is just his guess, it should be like this, because those sugar figures are all the wedding photos of the two of them. If it's not a wedding, what else is it?
Although he didn't know how that man would use these sugar figures, it could be seen that he really cared.

Being able to prepare for the wedding with such care meant that that woman must be very important to him.

Outside the public toilet on the other side, An Qiaoran was holding a huge bear in one hand and a rose in the other, standing there waiting for Lu Yuchen who had been in for more than ten minutes, feeling very bored.

He went in and didn't come out for so long, and he didn't know what he was doing.

It's really tiring for her to have no free hands!The big bear was as big as her, and it was really hard for her to lift it.

And that rabbit, now I don't know what it looks like after being squeezed by the big bear, alas!Jiayi's favorite rabbit!

The soft clay is good. It was placed on the sink, but I didn't get it.

"Lu Yuchen, are you alright?" An Qiaoran stood there and complained. Everyone who came in and out looked at her with strange eyes. They didn't know whether they were envious of the rose and the big bear in her hand, or strange that she stood there. Shouting outside the public toilet door, no matter what it was, An Qiaoran ignored it.

She is really tired, dragging this big bear, the ground is so dirty, she can't put it on the ground.

Seeing that Lu Yuchen hadn't come out yet, she was about to speak again. At this moment, she finally saw Lu Yuchen coming out slowly.

"Why did it take you so long to come out?" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen who was walking slowly, and began to complain again.

"I'm really tired from holding this big bear, can you go faster!"

"Since you know it's tiring to hold it, why are you still clamoring for it?" Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran's trembling hands, and reached out helplessly.

"A puppet made you so tired?"

As soon as the big bear left, An Qiaoran immediately relaxed a lot, and simply gave him the rabbit as well.

"You are so tall and mighty, what's the problem with mentioning a bear? I can't do it, this bear is as tall as me, so it's hard to get."

An Qiaoran put the flowers on the sink, and then started to move her hands. Nothing could fall on the ground, so all her strength was put on the things just now, which made her hands sore now.

"What about this rabbit? It's also hard to get?" Lu Yuchen glanced at the rabbit on the big bear's head, feeling a little dissatisfied.

Why is she always throwing everything these girls should have at him?
"It's just that my hands are sore, and I'm holding flowers, and I also need to hold soft clay. You know, soft clay is more important than anything else, and there can be no mistakes."

While An Qiaoran was speaking, he had already finished his activities. He held flowers in one hand and soft clay in the other, and glanced at him, "Let's go."

"where to?"

Lu Yuchen, holding the bear in one hand and the rabbit in the other, followed her footsteps.

"Go to Jiayi and the others!" An Qiaoran said, "Besides, we are holding these things, what else is there for fun here? No... I can't play anything, because it is really inconvenient to operate without hands." .”

(End of this chapter)

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