Chapter 136 Let Me Hold For Awhile

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen suddenly raised his eyes to look at his grandma, his eyes were cold.

He shook off her hand vigorously, got up and stood up, staring at her with cold eyes, covered with thousands of layers of frost, his whole person suddenly became extremely cold and stern.

"You don't need to impose your own thoughts on me, I won't listen to you, and I don't need you to remind me of what has passed."

Lu Yuchen looked at her with lowered eyes, and his voice was extremely cold and stern, "Also, you are old now, I advise you to take care of your life and stop worrying about these things that are not your business, grandma!"

He said the last "Grandma" very forcefully. After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the door without looking at her expression.

"What if I want to take care of it?"

Just as Lu Yuchen's hand touched the doorknob, Tian Hui's voice sounded again, with a hint of persistence.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen stopped and turned to look at her. After a while, he spoke sullenly.

"Then I'll be more generous and hand over the entire company to you! Anyway, you're [-] this year, so you won't be able to manage it for a few days."

After speaking, he turned around and left without looking back.

Listening to what he said, Tian Hui was already livid with anger.

Is this his grandson?Is this still?How could he say such outrageous things to her?
Although her former grandson was not very obedient, he would not be so rebellious. Could it be...he really fell in love with that girl?

Do not……

She would never let that horrible thing happen!


After Lu Yuchen left, he called An Qiaoran. At this time, An Qiaoran was chatting with Zhao Qiaoqiao in the park.

"An Qiaoran, where are you?" After the call was connected, before An Qiaoran could speak, Lu Yuchen spoke first.

Ten minutes after An Qiaoran reported her location, she saw Lu Yuchen walking towards her.

As soon as he came over, Zhao Qiaoqiao gave up his seat consciously and left soon after.

So, apart from some old people dancing, there were only the two of them left in the park.

An Qiaoran asked while playing with the withered and yellow leaves in his hand, "Has your grandma gone back yet?"

"I don't know." Lu Yuchen's voice was hoarse.

An Qiaoran heard something wrong with his voice, and his heart tightened, "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Yuchen looked into her bright eyes for a moment, then shook his head, "It's nothing."

There are some things she is not fit to know.

He stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly, smelling her body fragrance with the tip of his nose, he felt much better.

An Qiaoran was stunned by her sudden hug, and then began to struggle, but his deep voice made her stop.

"Don't move! Let me hold you for a while."

An Qiaoran calmly stopped struggling, but reached out and hugged him.

Since he came out of the company, he has become very strange. There seems to be some painful memory hidden in those deep black eyes.

His current mood... should be terrible.

For some reason, he was in a bad mood, and her heart was also tangled together, very uncomfortable.

Perhaps, falling in love with someone is like this, you will suffer because of his pain, and you will be happy because of his happiness, and in the end, you will forget who you are.

Just like An Qiaoran, ever since she fell in love with Lu Yuchen, she has become a stranger to herself, and she has forgotten what she was like before.

I don't know how long the two of them hugged, but they stopped because of An Qiaoran's stomach growling.

Seeing Lu Yuchen staring at her, An Qiaoran lowered her head shyly, "I'm hungry."

They were going to the restaurant together just now, but he was chatting with his grandma, so she didn't go to the restaurant either.

She wanted to have lunch with him.

(End of this chapter)

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