Chapter 152 Fever
"Lu Yuchen, is Fang Qing's marriage with me behind your back?" Mo Yixuan over there was in a very bad mood, and when he came up, he asked the teacher to blame him.

"Yes! But what can you do to me?" Lu Yuchen leaned lazily on the back of the chair with a haughty face, and his voice was low.

"Oh! It really is you! I really never thought that you would be so idle that you even take care of other people's life-long affairs!"

"Who do you think you are? It's my turn to take care of you? Mo Yixuan, you think too highly of yourself." If it wasn't for An Qiaoran, he wouldn't bother to talk to him.

"Does Ran Ran know what you're doing?" Mo Yixuan laughed, "If she knows, I don't know how she will react."

Yes, he was provoking him on purpose.If Lu Yuchen doesn't let him have a good time, he won't let him go!
Sure enough, after hearing what he said, Lu Yuchen's face was indeed much uglier.

"She is my wife, so what if I know? Don't you want to see An Qiaoran? Don't worry, I will fulfill your wish on the day you get married!"

After finishing speaking coldly, Lu Yuchen hung up the phone with a livid face.

Seeing him like this, Nade was a little worried, "Young Master, if you trust Young Madam, you must have forgotten him."

"I don't need you to remind me!" Lu Yuchen looked at him coldly, "As long as Mo Yixuan is around for a day, An Qiaoran's heart will never fall on me. Sooner or later, I will trample him on the soles of my feet!"

There was an angry light in his eyes, his face was covered with haze, and his whole person looked extremely sinister.

"Go to the second floor and take a look, and send some desserts to An Qiaoran."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yuchen waved his hand again, "Forget it, I'll go by myself!"

After he went downstairs to get some snacks, he went up to the second floor, came to An Qiaoran's bedroom, and pushed open the door, which was not locked.

After entering, there was no one in the bedroom, and the sound of water came from the bathroom. Knowing that she was taking a shower, she put the pastry on the table and flipped through her mobile phone on the sofa.

The phone was locked, and he couldn't unlock it, so he put it back where it was.

The sound of water in the bathroom rang for a long time, and Lu Yuchen also waited for a long time.

Ten minutes passed, and An Qiaoran hadn't come out yet. Lu Yuchen was a little impatient and couldn't help but walk to the bathroom.

"An Qiaoran!" He patted on the door, but there was no response.

He secretly thought it was bad, pushed the door open and entered.

When he saw An Qiaoran sitting against the wall, drenched in water, his heart tightened, he ran over, and turned off the tap.

Then he shook her body, "An Qiaoran, wake up!"

An Qiaoran didn't respond, and covered her forehead again, burning it to death.

He quickly picked her up, ran outside, put her on the bed, and called Todd to come up.


"The young lady has a fever. It may be because she has been drenched in cold water for too long. I will apply a hot towel to her forehead, and then give her a bottle of intravenous drip. It should be fine." Nade checked An Qiaoran, and then Said.

"Young master, you change the young lady's clothes first, and I'll go down and get the shelf for the bottle."

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, Nade had already gone out, and when he came back, An Qiaoran had already put on his clean pajamas.

Nade was busy with the bottle by the bed, while Lu Yuchen was sitting on the other side of the bed, holding An Qiaoran's cold hand and covering his cheek, warming her.

Looking at An Qiaoran on the bed, she remained motionless.

She said she did it herself, why did she abuse herself like that?He really wanted to scold her, but seeing her lying there motionless made him feel uncomfortable.

"Master, it's finished, I'll go down first."

"How long will it take for her to wake up?" Lu Yuchen asked.

"This... soon! It won't be later than tonight." Nade said, took out a bottle of medicine from the medicine box, and looked at Lu Yuchen.

(End of this chapter)

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