Chapter 155
Lu Yuchen saw the pain on her face, and saw her covering her arms, and couldn't help asking, "Did you fall?"

An Qiaoran nodded, a little innocently.

Lu Yuchen shook his head helplessly, and asked Nade to come up and give her medicine.

He stood aside and scolded her, "I think you have hit a bad luck today, there should be no more unlucky woman in the world than you."

An Qiaoran couldn't bear to listen to his scolding, and couldn't help but said, "No matter how unlucky you are, she is still your woman."

When she said this, Lu Yuchen was obviously taken aback, and even Nade couldn't help but look at her.

Is this still his young lady?How do you say that?
An Qiaoran was uncomfortable seeing the two of them, so he covered his face with his hands.

Why is she so mean?I can really say anything.

"I like this sentence very much!"

After Lu Yuchen said this, he smiled at her, turned and went into the bathroom.

Nade helped her bandage up, gave instructions and then left, leaving An Qiaoran alone.

Because of An Qiaoran's illness, Lu Yuchen didn't go to the company that day, but stayed with An Qiaoran, sitting by the bed all day long.

In the afternoon, while An Qiaoran was still asleep, Nade walked in.

"Master, Ah Heng is here, and he said he has something very important to tell you."

Lu Yuchen looked up at him, then at An Qiaoran, and got up after a while.

When he came downstairs, Ah Heng saw him and quickly said, "Mr. Lu, Chen Guangren went to the company to find you. Because you were not in the company, I didn't let him in, but..."

"But what?" Lu Yuchen sat down on the sofa and looked at him.

"He thought I was lying to him, so he has been waiting outside the company. He followed me here, and now...he is outside the villa."

As he said that, Ah Heng's voice became a little quieter, because... Boss Lu hated Chen Guangren in the first place, but now he negligently brought him here.

"Let him in!" He wanted to see what he could tell him.

Not long after, Chen Guangren walked in, stood in front of Lu Yuchen, and said directly, "Boss Lu, it's really helpless to interrupt, but I really have something urgent to ask you."

"Oh! I never thought that Chen Guangren, the richest man in Beicheng, would beg me sometimes?"

Lu Yuchen leaned lazily on the sofa, looking at him proudly.

"I want to ask you to help save the Chen family." Chen Guangren said, his face full of sincerity and pleading.

"Save the Chen family?" Lu Yuchen said he didn't understand.

"Recently, a new group has been established, which is specifically targeting the Chen family, and has also acquired my shares in the Chen family at a high price with strong means. Now many high-level companies in the company have sold their shares at a high price, and the Chen family... is about to pass. "

Chen Guangren looked at him, and looked at him eagerly, "Mr. Lu, I know that the only one who can help me now is you. You must help me. No matter what the conditions are, I will agree to you."

Lu Yuchen didn't say a word, just watched Chen Guangren finish these words.

Listening to him asking himself to help him, he couldn't help being a little funny.

"Mr. Chen, I think you have found the wrong person." Lu Yuchen looked at him and said slowly.

His words made Chen Guangren's face change slightly.

"I formed the group that attacked you. Do you think I will help you? Chen Guangren, you think highly of yourself."

Lu Yuchen looked at him with sarcasm and disdain in his eyes.

After hearing his words, Chen Guangren was not much shocked.The Chen family is deeply rooted in Beicheng, and the only person who can have such ability is Lu Yuchen.

However, he still wanted to come and beg him, since he could ruin the Chen family, he would certainly be able to help him.

But the question is...whether he wants to or not.

"Mr. Lu, I know that the little girl offended you, but I have kicked her out of the house, and she doesn't have a cent of money with her. She must be living a miserable life now."

(End of this chapter)

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