Chapter 159 You and Me
father passed away...

An Qiaoran only caught this message.

She stood there, her eyes gradually filled with tears, "How is this possible?"

She shook her head in disbelief, tears rolling down her cheeks.

The next second, she grabbed Lu Yuchen's hand and looked at him longingly, "Lu Yuchen, tell me that my father is not dead, he is not dead, right? My mother must have lied to me."

Seeing her like this, Lu Yuchen felt very sad, and he pursed his thin lips, not knowing what to say.

His eyes fixed on the letter on the ground, he bent down to pick it up, and read it carefully.

Suddenly, he seemed to have noticed something, and frowned, "An Qiaoran, look at this it your mother's?"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran thought of something, took the letter and read it carefully, "It's very similar, it's my mother's handwriting."


But why did he feel... something was wrong?

Although he thought it was strange, he didn't say anything, maybe he really passed away!Otherwise, why hasn't he come looking for him after so many years?
An Qiaoran was still immersed in the pain of losing her parents, her face was covered with tears, she was very pitiful.

Lu Yuchen held her in his arms and stroked her long hair, "What's there to cry about? Apart from giving you life, he has never fulfilled any responsibility to you. Why do you cry about him?"

"You don't understand." An Qiaoran cried and shook his head, "The feeling of losing it before you get it is really uncomfortable."

If you haven't got it, you've already lost it...

He has never tasted this kind of taste.

"Since you haven't got it, how can you have feelings? If you don't have feelings, why cry?" Lu Yuchen said expressionlessly, as if he was comforting her or himself.

An Qiaoran didn't listen to what he said at all, "From now on, in this world, I will only have Lily."

only lily...

Lu Yuchen couldn't help tightening her arms, "An Qiaoran, you still have me."

Hearing what he said, An Qiaoran's heart trembled, and he hugged him even tighter.

Lily will always be her relative, but Lu Yuchen... How long will this relative last?

More than a month passed like this, and life continued, An Qiaoran went to the company with Lu Yuchen as usual.

On this day, she received a call from Zhao Qiaoqiao.

"Ran Ran, I have good news for you, the medical school is on vacation." Zhao Qiaoqiao's excited voice came from the phone.

"It's good to have a holiday!" An Qiaoran laughed dryly, not feeling lucky at all.

Anyway, she just stays in the office with Lu Yuchen all day, for her, whether she is on vacation or not is the same.

"There are better ones!" Zhao Qiaoqiao over there was very different, very excited, "Except for the students who can enter Beicheng General Hospital for internship, everyone in our class has agreed to go on a winter outing."

"Winter outing?" An Qiaoran said he didn't understand.

She has only heard of spring outings, not winter outings.

"Well, the time is agreed on this weekend, do you want to go together?"

"Me?" An Qiaoran glanced at Lu Yuchen who was staring at her, and shook his head helplessly, "I'd better not go! I don't have time."

"Where did all your time go? You don't have time on the weekend?" Zhao Qiaoqiao laughed.

"You don't understand. I'm going to concentrate on studying medicine. I'm serious this time. In one month, I'm going to learn all the basic skills!"

An Qiaoran set a small goal in his heart.

Nade is an all-round doctor, whether it is forensic medicine or psychology, he is first-class.

Therefore, An Qiaoran hasn't been idle for a month. He goes to the company with Lu Yuchen during the day, and learns from Nade when he goes back at night.

"Yes! You are Mrs. Fu now, how can you spend time with me!" Zhao Qiaoqiao said enviously and then hung up the phone.

After finishing the call, An Qiaoran shook his head helplessly and continued to read the news.

Suddenly, a tall figure stood in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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