Chapter 175 The Only Lover

An Qiaoran felt like she was dreaming, and pinched herself involuntarily. The pain made her frown. It was really not a dream, it was real.

Lu Yuchen, who was holding an umbrella for her, followed her all the time, observing her behavior.

You can tell she likes it.

"Go in and take a look." Lu Yuchen held an umbrella in one hand and walked towards the peach forest with An Qiaoran in his arms.

Approaching the peach blossoms, An Qiaoran realized that these flowers were all fake, although they looked very realistic from a distance, but... they were fake.

Since it is fake, it must have been arranged by someone.

And this person... should be the one who brought her here.

Lu Yuchen——

Thinking about it, she suddenly stopped and looked up at Lu Yuchen who was holding an umbrella.

"What's wrong?" Seeing her suddenly stop, Lu Yuchen couldn't help asking.

An Qiaoran looked at the man in front of him, stared intently, and wanted to say something, but his throat froze and he couldn't say anything.

In the end, she could only shake her head and move on.


Entering the center of the peach forest, An Qiaoran was still shocked by the scene in front of him.

In the center of the peach blossom stands an 'Ice Palace', which is about the same size as a villa on land, except that this one is not made of other materials, but... made of ice.

She suddenly remembered that Lu Yuchen was always staying in the study these days, and she seemed to have seen the manufacturing map of this 'Ice Palace' on his computer.

He turned off the computer in a panic at that time, and then drove her out.

She didn't think much about it at the time, and was still very angry.

But thinking about it now... Maybe he was constructing this blueprint during the few days he stayed in the study. could he have built such a big 'Ice Palace' in such a short period of time?

Or is this just a model?Is it not really able to live in people?
Just as An Qiaoran was thinking, the door of the 'Ice Palace' was suddenly opened, and An Qiaoran saw the decorations inside, all made of ice.

An Qiaoran walked over involuntarily, and reached out to touch the wall. Strangely, it didn't feel like touching ice.

"It's not made of ice." Just when she was wondering, Lu Yuchen's deep and magnetic voice sounded.


An Qiaoran was shocked, this is not made of ice, so what is it made of?Crystal clear.

"It's made of diamonds."


His words made An Qiaoran's mouth open involuntarily, shocked.

Such a big villa is not made of ice, but diamonds?God, how many diamonds would it take to make it?
An Qiaoran was so shocked that he didn't recover for a long time.

"Did you do this?" She adjusted her emotions, and then asked him.

"Yeah!" Lu Yuchen nodded, "I started building it many years ago."

many years ago……

At that time, she hadn't seen him yet!So, this ice palace was not built for her either.

She lowered her head, feeling complicated, but Lu Yuchen suddenly raised her head, stared at her with deep eyes, and said in a magnetic voice, "An Qiaoran, I built this 'Ice Palace' for you."

Made for her?

An Qiaoran was shocked, but couldn't help feeling puzzled, "But many years ago, I didn't know you."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's eyes dimmed a little, "But I know you!"


"An Qiaoran, you have forgotten many things, I believe you will remember, and I look forward to the day you remember."

As Lu Yuchen spoke, he stroked her face. Sang Yin said in a low voice, "You just need to know that you are the person I have been waiting for all these years, and also my Lu Yuchen... the only love."

(End of this chapter)

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