Chapter 177 Why Are You So Warm?

An Qiaoran was stunned by his sudden movement, then put his arms around his waist, enjoying his kiss.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that everything in the world had become so interesting.

It turns out...he has been waiting for her all this time, and has been in his heart...deeply in love with her.

She used to think that in this marriage with him, it was impossible for him to have feelings for her, but now...he told her that he had waited for her for more than ten years and loved her for more than ten years.

And this 'Lu'an Pavilion' next to them is the testimony of his love for her!

She suddenly discovered that all of this is so strange and beautiful.

It turns out that when you know that the person you love carefully is also loving you silently, your mood will be really good.

There is something called sweetness in my heart.

The kiss between each other also changed at this moment.

It was rare for Lu Yuchen to taste the sweetness of her lips tenderly, not as domineering as usual, on the contrary, there was a taste of love.

It turns out that the domineering president, Lu Yuchen, also has such a gentle side, which An Qiaoran only discovered today.

Lu Yuchen's hand stroked her face and kissed her, the umbrella in his hand slipped from his hand and fell into the petals and snow.

I don't know when the snowflakes stopped falling, and the sun didn't know when it rose. The sun fell on the beautiful and magnificent 'Lu'an Pavilion', making it look even more splendid...

After the kiss ended, An Qiaoran leaned into Lu Yuchen's arms, looked at the peach blossom forest on the island, and felt inexplicably warm in her heart.

"Lu Yuchen, during the few days when you ignored me, were you secretly arranging people to arrange these peach blossoms? Just to express your love to me and surprise me?"

In her cognition, Lu Yuchen is a person who can't smile, has an iceberg face, doesn't understand emotions, and doesn't understand romance.

But now, all he did was beyond her imagination.

Lu Yuchen's chin was lowered on her head, and the tip of his nose was sniffing the fragrance of her hair. Hearing her question, a flash of uneasiness flashed in his dark black eyes.

Suddenly, the scene where I asked online appeared in my mind.

But... How could he tell her that he saw all this on the Internet?

He coughed lightly, and then said, "That's right!"

be it...

What is this answer?An Qiaoran was speechless to him immediately, and looked up at him.

"What is considered?"

Could it be that he didn't do it?Or that there were fake peach blossoms on this island, she didn't believe it.

Listening to her words, Lu Yuchen frowned, and then said uncomfortably, "I did it."

This is the first time he seriously thinks about how to arrange romance, but he still feels uncomfortable when she asks him so blatantly.

After hearing his answer, An Qiaoran was satisfied.

"Lu Yuchen, I suddenly realized, why are you so warm?" An Qiaoran looked at him and said seriously.

When she first saw him, he had a cold face. Who would have thought that his ten thousand year old iceberg would one day warm up.

Hearing the word 'warm', Lu Yuchen frowned, "What do you mean?"

He didn't understand what the warmth in her mouth was.

"It's gentleness!" An Qiaoran said naturally.


Hearing what she said, Lu Yuchen became even more confused. Is he very gentle?

"Lu Yuchen, I've been married to you for so long, I think you are the coolest today! You said a lot of nice things to me today."

He said she was his only love.

This is her favorite line.

I thought that Lu Yuchen would be very happy if she praised her, but...

"I'm only cool today?" Lu Yuchen looked at her with some dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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