Chapter 183 You Didn't Sorry Me
"Lu Yuchen!"

An Qiaoran patted on the glass while calling for Lu Yuchen, but the glass was very thick, no matter how loud An Qiaoran's voice was, Lu Yuchen couldn't hear her.


He could hear the sound of An Qiaoran slapping the glass.

Lu Yuchen placed the empty wine bottle heavily on the table, and then tried to open his eyes wide to look at the source of the sound.

When Lu Yuchen saw the person outside the window, Lu Yuchen's pupils dilated instantly.

An Qiaoran...

She was shouting desperately, but he couldn't hear anything.

He picked up the remote control on the side and pressed it, and in the next second, the huge floor-to-ceiling windows opened to both sides.

An Qiaoran's yelling sound also reached his ears.

"Lu Yuchen, hurry up and pull me up!"

Lu Yuchen strode over and pulled her up, glanced at the ladder and the people downstairs, his face extremely gloomy.

"Do you know what you are doing?" He yelled at An Qiaoran, "Do you know how dangerous this is?"

This is the third floor, if you fall down and keep breaking your arms and legs!

An Qiaoran didn't expect him to be so angry, and was stunned by his yelling, she didn't know what to say for a moment, "I..."

As soon as An Qiaoran opened her mouth, Lu Yuchen suddenly hugged her in his arms and hugged her tightly, "What if something happens to you? If you are gone, what do you want me to do?"

There was tension and fear in his voice, and the best proof was that he held her hand tightly.

"An Qiaoran, I only have you. If you are gone, then I will be gone too."

He breathed deeply on her neck, his voice extremely hoarse.

Hearing his words, An Qiaoran's heart was shocked.

At this moment, she seemed to understand how important she was to him.

Maybe for him, she is his only relative.

For her, why not?

"Lu Yuchen, you drank too much wine, who allowed you to drink?"

An Qiaoran pushed Lu Yuchen away, smelling the smell of alcohol in the room, feeling very uncomfortable.

Listening to her words, Lu Yuchen frowned slightly, turned around to look at the table full of wine bottles, and did not speak.

Seeing him like this, An Qiaoran felt very uncomfortable, "Don't do this again in the future, drinking is not good for your health."

He had never drank alcohol before, and this time he drank so much at once, his stomach must be very uncomfortable.

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, walked to the desk and sat down, looking tired.

An Qiaoran walked over and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, "I'm sorry Lu Yuchen, I shouldn't have gone to the cemetery."

If he hadn't gone to the cemetery, he wouldn't have met his grandma, and he wouldn't have remembered those unhappy things.

After all, it was all her fault.

"Don't tell me you're sorry, you've never been sorry to me." Lu Yuchen looked at her with faint pain in his eyes.

"Go out! I want to be alone for a while."

"I won't go, I'll be here with you." An Qiaoran said, and threw all the wine on the table into the trash can.

Lu Yuchen watched her movements, but did not respond.

An Qiaoran looked at his sad eyes and didn't know what to do. She had to find a way to make him happy.

"Lu Yuchen, let me sing you a song!"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen looked at her in surprise, "You can sing?"

"A little bit." An Qiaoran felt guilty.

In fact, her shortcoming is singing. Every time she sings, Zhao Qiaoqiao will wear earphones, which is ironic to her.

"Don't laugh at me if I don't sing well." An Qiaoran couldn't help but said before speaking.

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, but his eyes said it all.

An Qiaoran ignored him, and said directly, "I'm a little duck, babbling~"

Lu Yuchen sat on the chair, watching her singing hard, really didn't want to interrupt her interest, and listened carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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