Chapter 191 She Saved Him a Good Name!

Although she didn't know why he wanted to conceal her identity as Mrs. Lu, she didn't want to think about it.

After all, he must have his reasons.

After thinking for a moment, An Qiaoran nodded and agreed, "Okay! I'll go with you."

Hearing her promise, Lu Yuchen nodded in satisfaction, lowered his head and kissed her deeply on the lips, left a sentence of "good boy", then turned and left.

Lu Yuchen had already gone a long way, but An Qiaoran was still frozen in place.

What did Lu Yuchen do to her just now?What did you say to her again?Why can't she remember?

After a moment of sluggishness, she suddenly yelled.


Her voice lasted for a long time before the end sound fell.

Lu Yuchen actually said just now that she is really good, there is nothing wrong with her, right?Something wrong with her ears?
An Qiaoran was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't notice Lu Yuchen's Nade who appeared at the door of the kitchen when she heard her scream...

"An Qiaoran, it's okay, what's your ghost name?"

He had just walked out of the kitchen and turned on the computer when he heard her screaming. He thought something happened to her, so he ran over in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, she was standing there with nothing to do, and he admired her for a moment.

An Qiaoran didn't expect that she would attract Lu Yuchen, and when she heard his voice, she was startled and glared at him.

"I'm fine, you are busy with your work."

Lu Yuchen didn't move when he asked, but just looked at her straight and appraised, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Her voice just now almost shook the whole villa down.

"It's okay, it's okay, you go out quickly, don't disturb me." An Qiaoran angrily drove him out.

Seeing this, Lu Yuchen didn't think too much, turned and left.

An Qiaoran looked at the glutinous rice balls she had made, and thought of Lu Yuchen's "really good" just now, her heart beat very fast.

It's this age, and she will still be so moved because of his understatement, there's nothing wrong with it.

She despised herself in her heart, and then calmed down by making glutinous rice balls quickly.

Half an hour later, she successfully wrapped all the glutinous rice balls, but...a strange thing also happened.

"Young Madam, you're tired after packing so much, go and have a rest! I'll take care of the rest."

"Then I will trouble you, Steward De."

An Qiaoran said politely, washed her hands and went out, and saw Lu Yuchen who was looking at the computer in the living room.

"Are you done?" Lu Yuchen asked when he saw An Qiaoran approaching.

"Yeah." An Qiaoran nodded, then sat down on the sofa and swiped her phone.

This Zhao Qiaoqiao is really real, I haven't contacted her for a long time, and I don't know if she is back.

Since it's the New Year's Eve, it should have come back!
An Qiaoran flipped through the contacts interface and was about to call Zhao Qiaoqiao when a big hand snatched the phone away.

"Lu Yuchen, this is my phone." Seeing Lu Yuchen flipping through her phone as a matter of course, An Qiaoran felt helpless.

She just stares at the computer, what is she doing with her phone?
Lu Yuchen didn't pay attention to her words, he didn't know what he did on her phone, and within a minute, he returned the phone to her.

As soon as An Qiaoran received the phone, he quickly checked what he had done. Finally, after reaching a conclusion, An Qiaoran yelled again.

"Lu Yuchen, what have you done?"

This man actually deleted all her contacts, leaving only a "vampire".

And that "vampire" was the name she saved for him.

"I still want to ask you, this is my name in your phone?" Lu Yuchen said, looking at her displeased.

He had been on the phone with her for so long, but he didn't expect that he turned out to be a "vampire" in her mobile phone. It was impossible not to be angry.

(End of this chapter)

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