Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 194 Someone doesn't like it, so I don't drink it

Chapter 194 Someone doesn't like it, so I don't drink it
"Lu Yuchen, what are you doing?" An Qiaoran opened her eyes, and saw Lu Yuchen who was close at hand, and she shrank back in fright.

Lu Yuchen straightened up and looked at her with a serious face, "I can't wake you up, so I used this method, it seems to be very effective."

Hearing his words, An Qiaoran had a severe headache, "Why did you wake me up?"

She hasn't had enough sleep yet!

"The company's annual meeting." Lu Yuchen reminded her, then turned and walked to the cloakroom, "With such a bad memory, it's no wonder it's so difficult to learn medicine."

Hearing Lu Yuchen muttering as he walked, An Qiaoran was so angry that he lost sleepiness, and quickly got up yesterday.

Lu Yuchen changed his clothes inside, and after a while, he came out while buttoning his buttons.

"The annual meeting starts in an hour, at the Marriott Hotel, hurry up."

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he sat down in front of the sofa, and now glanced at his phone.

Hearing what he said, An Qiaoran got up and got out of bed, went into the cloakroom, changed into a blue dress and came out, her hair was loosely loose, very beautiful and elegant.

Lu Yuchen looked at her attire, and was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, "An Qiaoran, it's winter now, what should you do if you catch a cold wearing this?"

She really wanted grace over temperature.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran remembered, turned around and went in to add another overcoat, which felt pretty good.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yuchen nodded in satisfaction, and the two went downstairs together and got into the car.

It didn't snow today, and the weather was dreary, with cold wind blowing from time to time. Fortunately, there was a heater in the car, otherwise it would be really cold.


The black business car stopped at the entrance of the luxurious and solemn Marriott Hotel.

I heard from Ah Heng that because it was an annual meeting, today's Marriott Hotel was booked out.

There is a long line of luxury cars parked outside the hotel, how majestic it is.

After the car came to a complete stop, Ah Heng got out of the car first, and opened the car door for Lu Yuchen. After Lu Yuchen got out of the car, he walked around to the other side, opened the car door for An Qiaoran, reached out to hold her, and pulled her down.

The staff in the hotel heard the movement and knew that it was Lu Yuchen who had arrived, so they hurried out to welcome him. When they saw An Qiaoran beside him, everyone was surprised.

No matter what An Qiaoran said, he also stayed in Lu Yuchen's office for a while, and rumors have already spread in the company.

It's normal for Lu Yuchen to bring her to the company's annual meeting.

An Qiaoran also followed Lu Yuchen into the hotel lobby under strong pressure, and took a seat in his seat.

Before the annual meeting started, the company's Gao Cheng congratulated and toasted Lu Yuchen, but Lu Yuchen just nodded to show his answer, but did not drink.

Seeing that Lu Yuchen hadn't touched his wine glass, some Gao Cheng couldn't help but ask, "Why doesn't Boss Lu drink? Does he think wine is bad?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen just curled his lips, "It's not that the wine is bad! It's just that some people don't like me drinking, so I don't drink it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone sitting there looked at each other in blank dismay, and all looked at An Qiaoran who was beside Lu Yuchen, with a little more scrutiny and awe in their eyes.

It seems that this An Qiaoran is not simple!Boss Lu didn't even drink alcohol because of her. From this, it can be seen how much Boss Lu usually dotes on her?

If it goes on like this, Boss Lu may have to give up drinking and smoking for her.

But it seems... In their impression, Mr. Lu has never smoked cigarettes, but cursing is a common occurrence.

The next time is the host's appearance time.

The host first reported the industry and development of IE in the past few years. Every project was amazing, and the industry plan for IE's new year's research and development was announced.

The last thing is to appeal to everyone's efforts, and then ask Lu Yuchen to speak.

"There is nothing to say. In the new year, I have one thing to tell everyone."

(End of this chapter)

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