Chapter 208 kicked him

Hearing what she said, Lu Yuchen's eyes flashed with uneasiness, and he said expressionlessly, "It's time to change the car."

After hearing her words, An Qiaoran could only remain silent.


Half an hour later, An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen came to the top floor of the hospital together, and came to the door according to the ward number given by the steward Nian.

But... Lu Yuchen stopped in his tracks.

Looking at the closed door, Lu Yuchen was silent for a while, and then said, "What's so interesting!"

He belatedly felt that he was going crazy, turned around and wanted to leave.

However, An Qiaoran didn't want to waste all his previous efforts, so he quickly stopped him, "Lu Yuchen, you regret it!"

She looked at him firmly, with a slight disgust in her eyes.

Lu Yuchen glanced at An Qiaoran holding his hand, then looked up at her, "What do I regret?"

He didn't say he would come, but she forced him to come.

"You are afraid of seeing the old lady."


"If not, then go in!" An Qiaoran pointed to the door of the ward and looked at him.

That's right, she was using aggressive methods. With Lu Yuchen's character, this was the only way he could compromise.

The matter of his parents made him very painful. She wanted him to let go of the pain. Avoiding the problem could not solve the problem, so she could only force him to face it.

Sure enough, An Qiaoran's aggressive method worked.

Lu Yuchen's face darkened for a long time, and then he reached out and pushed the door open.

Seeing this, An Qiaoran shook his head helplessly, and followed him in.

The old lady inside was lying on the hospital bed, and the butler next to the bed was peeling a banana, and then handed it to the old lady on the bed.

The old lady shook her head, not wanting to eat, and then saw Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran walking in, she was a little shocked for a while.

" are here..."

Naturally, Lu Yuchen felt a little uncomfortable with her reaction, so he just nodded slightly and walked over without saying anything.

Seeing this, Nianhua quickly stood up and made room for Lu Yuchen, "Master, sit down..."

Lu Yuchen glanced at the seat, but did not sit down, but just looked at An Qiaoran, "Sit!"

An Qiaoran didn't expect Lu Yuchen to say that suddenly, and didn't know what to say for a while, she was stunned for a moment, then nodded, walked over and sat down.

Nianhua and the old lady looked at each other, and looked away helplessly.

"Nianhua, let someone move the sofa and let the young master sit down." The old lady ordered Nianhua.

"Yes, old lady."

Nianhua nodded, ready to leave, but Lu Yuchen stopped him, "No need, I'll leave later."

Hearing this, the old lady's complexion darkened, and she gave Nian Hua a look, but Nian Hua stood still.

"How's the condition? What did the doctor say?" Lu Yuchen looked at Nian Hua at the side, and then asked at the beginning, with a flat voice, without any worries.

It's like asking what's for dinner tonight.

"The doctor said that the old lady has mild high blood pressure and mild heart disease. Don't be too emotional, otherwise her life will be in danger at any time."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen didn't think much about it. He pursed his lips and said in a cold voice, "Then why did she faint today? Was she too emotional?"

"This..." Nianhua froze for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, young master, uh..."

Before Nian Hua finished speaking, Lu Yuchen suddenly kicked him in the waist, this kick was not light, Nian Hua stepped back abruptly, and tightly covered the kicked place with his hands.

"Lu Yuchen..."

An Qiaoran didn't expect Lu Yuchen to do this suddenly, she was stunned for a moment, exclaimed, and quickly stood up to check on Nianhua's injury.

"The old lady is emotional? Who is in the Lu family? If it weren't for you not taking good care of her, she wouldn't be emotionally fainted and hospitalized! You still have the face to tell me this now, you think you are the housekeeper next to the old lady I dare not touch you, do I?"

(End of this chapter)

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