Chapter 213
But... She only heard from Lu Yuchen later that those scandals at that time were deliberately spread by him and Chen Lanxue.

So even if Chen Guangren said anything about An Qiaoran, he would not be moved.

"Ran Ran, I know I did something wrong, I shouldn't be so selfish, but I regret it now, I want to make up for you, although I did a lot of wrong things before, but now, I want to get your forgiveness .”

"No need, I don't need anyone's compensation now. From now on, you will be your richest man, and I will be my Mrs. Lu. We will never mess with each other. I will never use this card again, so let it be!"

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, she was about to hang up the phone, but Chen Guangren over there seemed to be stimulated by what she said, and blurted out.

"Ran Ran, I really know I was wrong, and, to show my sincerity, I moved Lily to my home yesterday to take care of her. If you want to see Lily in the future, come home! The gate of Lu's house Always open to you."

Hearing his words, An Qiaoran was shocked.

He actually brought Lili to Lu's house?What is he going to do?
"Are you threatening me?" After a while, An Qiaoran spoke angrily.

In order to get her to go back, he actually used this method?He knew that what she cared about most was Lily, but he didn't expect him to be so despicable.

"Ran Ran, what you said is serious, how could I threaten you? I just want to change Lily's environment." Chen Guangren said sincerely, "Lily has stayed in this family for 12 years, and I am also her biological father. , went back to her original home, the doctor said it would help to wake her up, I..."

"You sound nice!" An Qiaoran said coldly, her voice full of resentment, "Chen Guangren, Chen Shoufu, Chen Boss! I beg you not to disrupt my life like this anymore, my life is already very Tired! What's wrong with me just wanting to live a good life with Lily? Why do you always take away everything I care about!"

An Qiaoran spoke very excitedly, all the negative emotions were triggered by Chen Guangren's words.

"It was Chen Lanxue before, but now she has stopped and you reappeared. Just because you are my stepfather, you arrange my life at will? Why? I have nothing to do with the Chen family! Why do you want to do this? ?”

Ever since she entered Chen's house, she had never lived a stable and comfortable life, until her mother passed away, Chen Guangren never let her and her sister go!

Now he wants to use Lily to threaten her to let her go back to Chen's house, why is he refusing to let her go?He drove them away back then, and now he tries every means to get her back, what on earth is he going to do, Chen Guangren!
An Qiaoran's emotions were on the verge of collapse, and she was almost unable to hold on anymore.

But... what about Lily?She has persisted for so long, and now Lily is the only relative, she can't leave her alone.

Chen Guangren is a devil, he will do anything to achieve his goal, even if Lily is his biological daughter, he will not show mercy to her.

The ruthlessness of the Chen family made her feel angry. She used to wonder why there were such people in this world.

Are rich people so arrogant?

"Ran Ran, you are really emotional. I just want to take care of Lily. I just feel that I owe you too much. You shouldn't think so badly of me."

Chen Guangren said earnestly, "Ran Ran! You also hope that Lily can wake up soon, right? This is her home, she should be able to feel it, and she will wake up soon."

(End of this chapter)

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