Chapter 220 Be My Girlfriend

Regarding this daughter, he never thought of admitting it truly, it was just because of Lu Yuchen's face that he had to bow his head.

"But Dad, I'm not reconciled to letting An Qiaoran go like this!"

That bitch An Qiaoran, not to mention the man who robbed her, even drove her into a desperate situation. If her father hadn't thought of a way to use An Qiaoli to threaten her this time, she wouldn't have dared to come back.

Thinking of the hardships she had suffered outside these days, her hatred for An Qiaoran increased a little in her heart.

"It's useless to be unwilling. Judging from the current situation, Lu Yuchen really has a heart for An Qiaoran. In a short time, none of us can touch her."

Chen Guangren sighed deeply, turned and entered the room, "Lan Xue! Since you can't fight her, then don't fight. You can get it back when she loses. As for this period of time, you can do it well." Go back to school and stop messing with An Qiaoran."

Listening to Chen Guangren's words, Chen Lanxue felt itchy in her heart, but facing the person she hated could not make her feel better, this was a living torture for her.

Ever since she was a child, she couldn't get the things that Chen Lanxue hung up on first.

But now, the man she had been thinking of, the man she wanted to marry all her life was humiliated by An Qiaoran, no matter what, she couldn't swallow this tone!


One month after the year, the class issued an announcement, and all the students of the school went to the school to report in early February. An Qiaoran often swiped his mobile phone, so he naturally saw the news.

Tomorrow is February [-]st. After abandoning her studies for so long, she still interrupted her progress from tomorrow.

Returning to the former classroom again, An Qiaoran felt very emotional, and couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart even sitting in his seat.

The students in the class are almost here, but... Zhao Qiaoqiao and Jiang Hao haven't come yet.

Just when An Qiaoran was wondering, there was a sudden commotion outside the door.


Most of the students in the class rushed out curiously to see the situation. Of course, An Qiaoran couldn't restrain his inner curiosity and ran out after him.

The students in all the classrooms on the second floor ran out, lying on the fence, watching the situation below.

An Qiaoran stood behind the fence and looked at the two people below, one was Zhao Qiaoqiao and the other was Jiang Hao.

Looking at these two people, An Qiaoran didn't find it strange, but the strange thing was...

The two of them turned out to be Jiang Hao half-kneeling in front of Zhao Qiaoqiao, holding a bouquet of roses in his hand, and confessed to Zhao Qiaoqiao! ! !
Seeing this, An Qiaoran's eyes widened.

Jiang Hao... the legendary nerd actually confessed his love to Zhao Qiaoqiao at this time! ! !

Is she wrong?
An Qiaoran rubbed his eyes in surprise, trying to see clearly, but found that he was right.

"Jojo, I like you, be my girlfriend!"

As soon as Jiang Hao's words came out, the audience was in an uproar again, and An Qiaoran's eyes widened in shock.

Zhao Qiaoqiao was also at a loss for what to do, standing there not knowing how to react.

Looking at Jiang Hao holding a red rose in front of her, she suddenly couldn't believe it.

Jiang Hao, who had always been at odds with her, actually confessed his love to her in front of so many students.

Thinking about it now, she still couldn't believe it.

"Jiang Hao..."

"I'm serious, Qiao Qiao, please don't doubt my feelings for you." Jiang Hao said hastily as soon as she opened her mouth, as if she was afraid that she would disagree.

Seeing this scene, the crowd watching all around booed, "Together! Together!"

(End of this chapter)

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