Chapter 223 Lunch for a week
"Qiao Qiao, what happened?" An Qiaoran asked nervously.

Even if he was really trained by the principal, he wouldn't be like this, right?Zhao Qiaoqiao and Jiang Hao haven't said anything since they came in, as if they were complete strangers.

No matter how An Qiaoran asked, Zhao Qiaoqiao didn't speak, but stared blankly at the roses on the table.

Seeing her like this, An Qiaoran felt very helpless, so she could only transfer her hope to Jiang Hao who was in the back row.

It's just... She just turned around, and before she could speak, Jiang Hao had already picked up the book and stood it on the table, and buried his head so that An Qiaoran could not see him.

An Qiaoran: "..."

What happened to all of them?I'm so anxious!
"Zhao Qiaoqiao Jiang Hao, stand outside!" The female teacher's serious voice suddenly sounded.

An Qiaoran glanced helplessly at Zhao Qiaoqiao, seeing her get up and leave the classroom expressionlessly, her mind was dizzy.

What happened to Zhao Qiaoqiao!

An Qiaoran just looked at the book helplessly, completely unaware of the smiles on the corners of the mouths of the two people who left the classroom one after another and stood in the corridor.

Because she was worried about Zhao Qiaoqiao, An Qiaoran didn't listen to this class at all. It was as if she was on a plane the whole time, and she felt that her mind was not her own.

An Qiaoran casually put the books into the desk box, then got up and left the classroom, and saw Zhao Qiaoqiao Jianghao standing in the corridor.

She walked over, grabbed Zhao Qiaoqiao's hand and was about to ask, Zhao Qiaoqiao couldn't help laughing out loud.

Jiang Hao also laughed, so the two strangers just laughed at the same time.

An Qiaoran: "..."

Who will tell her what happened!
Looking at Zhao Qiaoqiao's grinning mouth, An Qiaoran seemed to have an answer in his mind.

Pointing at her angrily, "Zhao Qiaoqiao, you lied to me? Made me worry about you for so long?"

"I'm sorry, Ran Ran, I also want to know, if the mouse and I really broke up because of the principal, will you ask your family to intercede for us?"

Zhao Qiaoqiao said it half-jokingly, and Jiang Hao also agreed with it.

An Qiaoran can't listen to what they are saying now, she is very angry now!
"Hmph! Even if the two of you break up, it's none of my business! It's none of Lu Yuchen's business!"

An Qiaoran crossed his arms, didn't care, and opened his mouth angrily, his mouth pouted, as if he was really angry.

Zhao Qiaoqiao and Jiang Hao looked at each other, and finally Zhao Qiaoqiao helplessly pulled An Qiaoran's arm and shook it.

"Okay, Ran Ran, I will never do it again, how can you forgive me?"

"Hmph!" An Qiaoran didn't agree with her at all, turned her head aside, and didn't intend to talk to her at all.

"Ran Ran, I don't have a next time. If I treat you to lunch, don't be angry with me." Zhao Qiaoqiao said, this time, An Qiaoran responded.

"One week's lunch." An Qiaoran said seriously.

"Okay! Deal!" Zhao Qiaoqiao's heart was bleeding!She, Mrs. Lu, wants her, a poor man, to invite her to lunch for a week. Do you want to be so foolish!

She is poor!

Hearing this, An Qiaoran changed her previous anger, put on a smile on her face, and dragged Zhao Qiaoqiao downstairs, "Let's go! I haven't eaten food from the cafeteria for a long time, and I can't wait."

The three of them went downstairs together. When they came downstairs, An Qiaoran saw the boy standing in the teaching building, paused, and then walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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