Chapter 234 She Stays, You Get Out

She knew that Lu Yuchen would be eager for her to go back as soon as she came, she still had to learn first, this billiards seemed quite interesting.

"Speaking of billiards!" Zhao Qiaoqiao put on an air of pride, "As the name suggests, it is to hit the ball into the hole, isn't it very simple?"

"Well, it's very simple." An Qiaoran nodded.

"It sounds very simple, but it's not so easy to play. You see..." Zhao Qiaoqiao picked up the bat, bent down, and hit the balls, and the balls "scattered".

But none of them went into the hole...

An Qiaoran watched her keep hitting the ball without blinking, and kept telling her the truth and skills while hitting the ball.

An Qiaoran also listened carefully.

After 10 minutes, Zhao Qiaoqiao has already hit three balls.

"Great!" An Qiaoran was the first to applaud.

Although Jiang Hao was puzzled, he still clapped his hands under Zhao Qiaoqiao's warning gaze, and moved his lips, "Not bad, very powerful."

"That's right, I've been told that I'm very good." Zhao Qiaoqiao kept on bragging, but An Qiaoran and Jiang Hao just looked at each other without saying a word.

At this moment, the door was suddenly knocked open with a loud noise.

An Qiaoran subconsciously looked up, and saw a group of men in skimpy clothes walking in.

The leader is wearing a black vest, huge fat, and conspicuous tattoos on his arms. His fat round face can be used for kicking a ball. He looks really ugly!
An Qiaoran looked at the man approaching them aggressively, and subconsciously took a step back.

"Here... Grandpa, I'll take care of it!" The leading man raised his foot on the chair, posed in a pose that he thought he was handsome but was actually very angry, and said.

An Qiaoran, Zhao Qiao, Qiao Jianghao and the three looked at each other, then looked at the man again, but did not speak.

"Our boss said, don't get out yet!" Seeing that they were ignorant, the subordinates on the side couldn't help but stepped forward, raised An Qiaoran's chin with their fat palms, and said lewdly, "If you don't leave, you can't leave." Okay, it's okay to stay with my boss, our boss likes you."

An Qiaoran felt that the chin touched by him was going to burn to death, so he slapped his hand away in disgust, "Crazy!"

The man was obviously impatient with her, wiped off his non-existent sleeves, and stared at An Qiaoran menacingly.

"Xiao Nizi dared to beat your uncle, you must be impatient!" As he said that, he was about to go up to catch An Qiaoran, but was stopped by Jiang Hao.

"Brother, there is something to discuss, don't you want us to leave? We will leave now, we will leave now..."

As he said that, he winked at Zhao Qiaoqiao and An Qiaoran. They understood, bypassed the big man, and prepared to walk towards the door.

"and many more!"

The man standing on the chair suddenly spoke up, and after he finished speaking, several big men stood in front of them, blocking their way.

The bodies of the three froze instantly.

I knew that when I met these individuals, it would not be so easy to leave. It seems that this time, it is really troublesome.

The leading man walked up to them without hesitation. After scanning their eyes, they finally stopped on An Qiaoran, and his eyes narrowed immediately.

Pointing at An Qiaoran, she said, "Her, stay, you guys, get out!"

"Hey! I said you..." Before Zhao Qiaoqiao could swear, Jiang Hao stopped her, signaled her not to be impulsive with his eyes, and then looked at the man in charge, and spoke gently.

"Brother, don't embarrass us, she is my girlfriend, look at this..."

Before Jiang Hao finished speaking, Zhao Qiaoqiao gave him a hard look. Jiang Hao winked at her and continued, "We won't stay here to disturb your interest, we'll go now..."

"I said, she'll stay! Don't you understand?" The man in the lead was obviously a little impatient with him, and his voice was a little louder.

(End of this chapter)

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